ESPN Names The SEC Coach Most-Likely To Be Fired
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN’s Mark Schlabach released his preseason prediction for “Coach on the Hot Seat” for each league on Tuesday. His pick for the SEC? South Carolina's Will Muschamp.
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The Boat54 months
I guess picking the obvious choice Derek Mason would have been racist.
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SoFla Tideroller54 months
They’re setting it up so when Mason does get fired they can scream, “But Muschamp hasn’t been fired yet! We told you the South is racist!”
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VagueMessage54 months
@SoFla Tideroller: The fact that he still has a job shows how non-racist Vanderbilt is. He's been the HC of Vandy for seven years, and he hasn't had one winning season. Not one. It's odd that they haven't canned him yet. Like, he has dirt on someone odd.
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redeye54 months
ESPN should fire itself for putting out this crap.
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CanebreakCajun54 months
No one will be fired this year, though Auburn fans will begin to yell to fire Gus about week 4. Next year, Muschamp.
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The Levee54 months
Nobody should be fired this season
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Volvagia54 months
Eh. It’s a judgement call on the situation. If they lose multiple stars who elected to sit out and they had a trash season they def deserve a mulligan even on the hot seat. If they didn’t and still shite the bed against teams who did lose their stars...then get rid of them
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JackieTreehorn54 months
frick ESPN.
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MSUDawg9854 months
Can't wait to see Mullen out on his arse begging for jobs in the MAC. Ditto Benedict Strickland.
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gamecockman1254 months
Muschamp will get a pass this year unfortunately. Guarantee he'll be around for the 2021 season.
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Hangit54 months
Yeah, they will fire Boom. Then lure that really good coach. To South Carolina.
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goodgrin54 months
Good luck to USCe with his 13-15 million buyout. Just awful! I mean, what job in America can one fail and get paid millions of dollars to go away!
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Volvagia54 months
@goodgrin: though to be fair, you have to succeed for years at a lower level to get that chance.
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VagueMessage54 months
It should be Derek Mason, but everyone knew before they clicked that it was Will Muschamp.
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TexasTiger8954 months
I vote Jimbo Fisher
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shackleford31854 months
Guys a terrible head coach and an excellent defensive coordinator, he needs to find a d coordinator job when he’s ultimately fired.
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hogcard196454 months
It'll be Mason. Can't believe he's still coaching.
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