Vanderbilt Coach Tells His Player 'I'll f-ing kill you'
Randy Sartin-USA TODAY Sports
After Vanderbilt beat their rival Tennessee 73-65 on Thursday night, Commodores guard Wade Baldwin began taunting Vols players by clapping in their faces. This upset Vandy head coach Kevin Stallings, who told Baldwin to apologize. He didn’t. That's when Stallings lost his cool and threatened Baldwin by saying “I’ll f—ing kill you.” Check it out...


Stallings apologized after the game...
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Still, that's not good.
Filed Under: SEC Basketball
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LasVegasTiger118 months
My high school bball coach once told a kid on the team "If I had a knife right now I would slit your f'n throat" Kid shook it off and we moved on.
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TDFreak118 months
I'm sure $aban has said worse to his players.
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DoreonthePlains118 months
The bad part is that what Wade Baldwin IV did was not really that bad. There had been some verbal and social media shots fired by UT and Vandy players (it's a rivalry, so that's expected). After the buzzer, WBIV was clapping his hands and turned with a UT player as he walked by. A UT assistant whined about Baldwin's actions in the hand-shake line to start this mess.
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High C118 months
Player can act like a complete jackass (or is that "swag"). No consequences. This story resembles LSU's recruiting violations.
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OleRockyTop118 months
Well he definitely doesn't hold back his emotions
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MTB118 months
I would want my son playing for a Coach like Stallings. Thought the message was correct, even if the method was too intense.
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T-mart57118 months
I think Stallings is teaching him a good lesson. I dont think this is that bad either. I would do the same thing if my players are being jackasses. I probably wouldve worded it differently probably more of, stop being an a-hole instead of I'll fricking kill you. I like Stallings. Hes a coach I'd like to play for.
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CAD703X118 months
pussification of america - private college edition
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