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Steve Young's haircut on Monday Night Countdown ....
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:01 pm
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:01 pm

Wig? Just a really bad haircut? Bad dye job + weird haircut?

Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:03 pm to GoldenDawg
Pic or it never happened.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:03 pm to GoldenDawg
Him and Kirby use the same blind barber.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:05 pm to StudsonclArkansas
Pic or it never happened.
It never happened then, cause I ain't taking a screen shot of that.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:06 pm to GoldenDawg

What’s goin on above his ear?
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:07 pm to Wellborn
About an inch and a half.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:10 pm to GoldenDawg
It's just as bad as Joe Buck's uneven bronzer on his cheeks.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:11 pm to GoldenDawg
Unless a Baw is sportin the New Iberia who cares how they do their hair?
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:17 pm to GoldenDawg
I think it’s pretty clear from his Wikipedia profile pic that Young’s hairline needs maintenance from time to time.
It’s got that “stretch of Highway that has constant ongoing roadwork” look about it.
It’s got that “stretch of Highway that has constant ongoing roadwork” look about it.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 7:22 pm to Wellborn
That sideburn is offsides.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 9:19 pm to GoldenDawg
He had so many concussions that maybe he has one of those cousin Eddie skull plates that got dented and screwed up his part.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 9:28 pm to Clark14
If he ain’t wearing a rug I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 9:44 pm to Herman Frisco
Looks like a wig that slid too high or something.
Didn't realize wigs were still a thing.
Didn't realize wigs were still a thing.
Posted on 12/12/22 at 10:43 pm to tide06
Didn't realize wigs were still a thing
I had an acquaintance who got a hair piece several years ago as he thought being bald was keeping him from getting women.
He didn't maintain his hair length so it was growing longer around the sides and the back than the top accentuating he had a hair piece. It looked ridiculous.
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