Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:177
Registered on:10/17/2022
Online Status:Not Online

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Just spent a week in icu in little rock. Chi St. Vincent.
No masks, even in icu. No visitation restrictions at all.
Wide open.
Great call.

Fuk you anyways.
These children will spend the vast majority of their lives behind bars.

Staggering abuse of children.
Would be a fashion improvement at my house. All I get are gravy stained mumus.
if elected. ZeroHedge

I'm going to look into vivek a bit more.
Arky guv looks like he's been on a 10 day bender.
Welp, you ruined her for me.

Glad you did though.

That shite is heinous.
The whole SS should be fired for their incompetence. These guys aren't fit to guard the president, even joe biden.