Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair ditched her usual softball fashion thsi weekend...

game yay !!

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NASA_ISS_Tiger9 months
Damn...I wonder if her NIL deals pay for her Botox....or does she have a Botox NIL deal already and that's a fringe benefit. No need for those huge lips. She's taking away from a natural good look.
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Amazing Moves9 months
Still fine as hell though.
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brewdrees9 months
I seen her coming outta the Doctor's office and Kylie Jenner going in lol
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luciouslou9 months
Man when I was 13 i would have jumped all over that
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SwampyWaters9 months
What's the deal with the big lips? Pretty girl and no need for the inflatable lips!
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Warwick9 months
she prolly puts makeup on her pussy
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LuckySo-n-So9 months
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cajunmud9 months
I bet that is one pretty pussy tho.
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SoFla Tideroller9 months
If you're going to slather on makeup to cover up that mole on your face; why not just go to a dermatologist and get it removed?
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Milosh9 months
Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!
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chRxis9 months
y'all crazy... this chick is fine as hell...
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bcoop1999 months
She is which makes it maddening for her to wear 10 lbs of makeup.
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Geaux Guy9 months
Can we switch chicks Larry?
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tigerpawl9 months
That's what you get when you tinker with perfection. On sale now in the TG&Y toy department for $9.99.... right next to Ken.
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kc88769 months
Those two closeups aren’t it Brylie
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JackieTreehorn9 months
Those lips are the dumbest trend going
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WTFhappened9 months
Depends on which lips you are looking at.
user avatar
JackieTreehorn9 months
Touché there Bawcephus
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Tasseo9 months
I'm usually a fan....but those closeups are no bueno. Holy fish lips. :/
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Timeoday9 months
Holy fish lips, Batman!!
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cajunmud9 months
Holy baboon butt Batman!


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