Favorite team:Florida 
Number of Posts:2124
Registered on:8/18/2009
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That girl needs to be on more gear to enable her to jump a little higher....
[quote]1 out of 1 - 3 seeds made it into the Supers[/quote]:pimp:...

re: King Sully does it again!!

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 6/3/24 at 6:55 pm
But the Gators don't belong over teams like College of Charleston and TCU! [embed]https://x.com/Rick_Oster/status/1797750298473304283?t=yk4TO6LzT27VsaETYUK0CQ&s=19[/embed]...
[quote]give the man his do.[/quote] [img]https://cdn.chatsports.com/cache/39/ce/39cec62ba0a97307dba28e805981de7a-original.jpg[/img]...
There was still an entire quarter left to play: [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4TyCP8_Qr9CXqy4_A4M7LRFcPH4=/0x17:470x330/1400x1400/filters:focal(0x17:470x330):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/11228699/11l0tv7.0.jpg[/img]...

re: RIP SEC on CBS

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 5/15/24 at 8:29 pm
Go Gata! Good game, Miz....
To be fair, none of SBB's 2022 freshman recruits are eligible for the draft yet. But yes, his play calling is awful. The spring game was more of the same....

re: Embarrassing Leggette phone call

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 4/26/24 at 1:09 pm
"We would like to draft you with the 32nd pick!" "[Random guttural noises]"...
[quote]I'm afraid of alligators[/quote] Scariest gator I've seen: [img]https://cdn.bleacherreport.net/social_assets/cfb/random/Creepy_FloridaFan.gif[/img]...

re: SEC stadium dimensions…

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 4/13/24 at 2:03 pm
[quote]Alfred A. McKethan Stadium Left- 326 Left Center- 365 Center- 400 Right Center- 375 Right- 321[/quote]Demolished in 2020....
The refs did a good job in this game for once. I watched Bama get beaten by a much better team....
Florida has done it three times so far....

re: Shoutout to Florida

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 3/24/24 at 4:45 pm
[quote]Their first series win over LSU baseball in 7 years Here’s to Florida football breaking their 5 game losing streak to LSU in football this upcoming fall [/quote] Weird melt...
Nice to see Trevor fitting in with his new team....
I wonder if he still fears the thumb. Probably has some PTSD....
[quote]Is that not the river in the top left of the video? Looks like he was walking towards it, not away.[/quote]Yeah, it's right there. That looks like a mere 30-second walk to the river....

re: NCAA denies Pruitts appeal

Posted by Tolbert1906 on 3/9/24 at 10:15 am
Can't spell lawsuit without UT....
Probably the one where that Aussie punter scored a TD on us. I think it was called back for taunting....