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Registered on:2/11/2013
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re: 90th win for Les Miles

Posted by l'affiche on 10/5/13 at 9:43 pm
Corch Miles :bow:
I remember hearing about how Baer families would be split and shite over the iron bowl. Yet all I see is both fans sucking each other off and swallowing . Don't get. Me wrong, I'd root for ULaLA to do well too.

But it's not a lector rivalry IMO

re: Morning Call cafe au lait

Posted by l'affiche on 10/3/13 at 9:48 am
The key to a good New Orleans style cafe au lait:

1) 1 part strong dark roast with chicory
2) 1 part scalded, not steamed milk
3) And this is key: pour both in simultaneously and equally. You will not get the same results otherwise.

Each step is equally important. That's all there is to it. :geauxtigers:
Stick to the deli meats, not the prepackaged heated crap.

I like* the club (ham, roast beef, and turkey) with swiss cheese and oil and vinegar.

*Like is a very strong word

re: 1st or 2nd rounder.. RB?

Posted by l'affiche on 9/30/13 at 8:42 pm
I would honestly be happy if we drafted 7 different O-linemen this draft.

re: Has It Been Posted Yet?

Posted by l'affiche on 9/29/13 at 10:08 pm
We lost a game. Goddamn.

re: San Francisco Eating

Posted by l'affiche on 9/29/13 at 10:06 pm
Incanto was the worst meal of an otherwise amazing food trip.

It might be worth it if you get that huge meat thing that Bourdain got, but for that you have to call ahead. We didn't know, so we ended up just getting a bunch of overpriced, very mediocre dishes.

I'd think about changing.

I like to say ill try anything, but the asiastoreby me sells balut and for some reason I haven't gotten around to trying it yet :lol:
Sammy's when I was there.

Laid back, nothing special/fancy, some serious talent working there, and has that great SELA seafood joint smell and feel.
Panna cotta. It's ridiculously easy and something no one else does.

Bonus points if you make a strayberry or raspberry compote to go with it :geauxtigers:

I was more than likely going to deglaze with some pinot

Pinot seems like a pretty bad choice. It is way too light. Even one from Burgundy, while earthy, won't impart much flavor.

I'd either go with a Bordeaux or even a dry white wine.

re: 3 * WR Jesse Jackson

Posted by l'affiche on 9/26/13 at 10:09 pm
Congrats on the 3 star

re: How To Make Toum (Garlic Sauce)

Posted by l'affiche on 9/26/13 at 10:00 pm
I'm going to make that toumorrow

re: Hidden Gems in BR

Posted by l'affiche on 9/26/13 at 1:01 pm
Yvette Marie's

It'll Fizzle out before Miles leaves, and such fizzling will be the reason Miles leaves.

Yep. Any day now.

re: Find a Chili's today and eat there

Posted by l'affiche on 9/23/13 at 12:32 pm
You'd get a better and healthier meal if you instead got a #1 from McDonalds with extra bbq sauce for the fries and donated to St. Judes what you would have spent at Chili's.

Feels like 2011 all over again

Posted by l'affiche on 9/23/13 at 12:31 pm
I think we roll just about everyone. Here's hoping for a better ending :geauxtigers: