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Number of Posts:6192
Registered on:12/12/2012
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Anal polar plunge is good for the system....

re: Letter Grade for Season

Posted by SmellslikeKevinBacon on 12/2/23 at 2:57 pm
B- Fix the defense....
[img][/img] She looks fun. I would about last 30 seconds. ...
38-35 Bama. Last second field goal to break the tie and win the game....
Hit 415 this morning which is up from 405 at the start. Has one set left at 430, but I knew I was making that....
[quote]I meant 2000 meters at a 2:15 500 meter pace[/quote] That makes a big difference and is definitely doable. I can usually get 2000m in about 8 minutes pushing it. My split is usually 2:00/500m. I'm in moderate shape....