Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:919
Registered on:9/22/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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So what's the deal with Kyle Davis? Is he really considering Auburn? Has he seen them play? I mean... WTF?

When we pull Holyfield @ noon tomorrow

Fixed it for you.

re: Greyson Lambert just got the keys...

Posted by Swin on 8/31/15 at 7:42 pm

Anybody want to second guess JP's decision now?

Everything he touches turns to gold.

Big day today. Let's get some recruits.
We should probably be on commit watch for this weekend.

re: going to Fogo de Chão tonight

Posted by Swin on 1/4/15 at 5:43 pm
Hope you didn't eat all weekend.
What kind of QB is that? A mobile QB?
Yeah, I guess it had nothing to do with fumbling on the 1 yard line... Twice. Or the multiple special teams errors.

re: I'm struck by the absence of giveashit

Posted by Swin on 12/31/14 at 7:41 am
That makes sense. One if his eyes looked really fricked up. I was wondering what was going on there.

I like my grits with LINKS

This was communicated to me through text. Sorry.
If you like what I have to say, then don't frickin read it. You keep COMIN back though. Don't ya?
Ugh. I hope this shite doesn't happen.

re: (Bobo related) The diaper money

Posted by Swin on 12/19/14 at 8:52 am
Apparently UGA is a hot mess behind the scenes right now. Admin doesn't want to shell out money and coaches are pushing. Basically we have to pray Colorado state doesn't offer Bobo because there is no way we will match what they are offering. Bobo will probably get a raise but it won't bs huge. I'd say UGA will pay him in the $750 range. He deserves almost twice that.

re: Otherside- Christmas in Savannah (Again)

Posted by Swin on 12/18/14 at 9:21 pm

molly McPherson

Good place

re: Otherside- Christmas in Savannah (Again)

Posted by Swin on 12/18/14 at 9:20 pm

Crystal Beer Parlor- great burgers, homemade chips, beer, etc.


Vinny Van Goh Goh's- best pizza in town, city market area so good atmosphere

Both of those are very good.


Spankys: get chicken fingers and spuds.

Clarys: for breakfast

Distillery: if you like craft brews

But if you eat at one place in savannah, go to Mrs Wilkes. I lived in Sav for 20 years and that is, in my opinion, the best restaurant there. Be prepared for a 30 min wait but it's more than worth it.
He tore both labrums. Finished out the season with the injuries. Remember when he sat for kentucky?