Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Number of Posts:1653
Registered on:7/6/2012
Online Status:Not Online

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what's the deal with Pete's mom? Did this Manello guy really kill her or is that just Pete being Pete?

re: Will a CWS win for MS State...

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/24/13 at 10:05 am

State loves football

I loves some foosball

re: Will a CWS win for MS State...

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/24/13 at 10:04 am
he believes in Mullins


re: Will a CWS win for MS State...

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/24/13 at 9:57 am

Put more pressure on the football program to excel from a mediocre West team to heading to Atlanta or beyond?

I think it would add a little pressure. "Look what Cohen did, now what can you do for us" kind of thing
not to derail here, but did anyone see the "Low Winter Sun" preview? Looks like it could be pretty good. So we have that and the Bridge starting next month.

re: True Blood Season 6 Thread

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/23/13 at 9:58 pm

The handsome dude sookie met tonight is Warlow. Easy to see coming.

No, they showed Warlow coming through on the bridge. New fairy dude isn't him

Doesn't this measure seem a bit....arbitrary? Why use two national accomplishments and an SEC accomplishment? Wonder how many teams have won the SEC Baseball, SEC Basketball and finished ranked in the top 10 in football? Seems arbitrary. I guess most stats are though.

Key wor

re: True Blood Season 6 Thread

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/23/13 at 8:27 pm

True Blood Season 6 Thread came across this a little while ago. Going to be on NBC Dracula-coming this fall

That doesn't look half bad. Think ill give it a chance.

re: Congrats to Miss State

Posted by MaesterMullen on 6/22/13 at 8:34 pm

They don't need it. They're there for a reason. The shape your program is in, i'd be jealous too.


Are we worthy enough to call you our rival?

Get in line :doublebird: