Favorite team:Arkansas 
Location:Packer/Suns fan too
Number of Posts:2947
Registered on:4/17/2011
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re: Oh y’all..

Posted by happyhappyjoyjoy on 9/11/21 at 11:12 pm
Texas should consider an FCS move instead of a SEC move....

re: Collins is TEARING it up.

Posted by happyhappyjoyjoy on 12/11/17 at 2:59 pm
nfl threads are great becayse you always have at least 1 or 2 people talking about how they don't watch it anymore. Its like "I'm a vegan" for conservatives....

re: Oculus Rift Question

Posted by happyhappyjoyjoy on 12/3/17 at 4:54 pm
Don't see how it would be of any use for League. There's a few good games for it and it's a cool experience but I wouldn't get it unless he has like 3 or 4 games minimum he wants to play on it....
I really wanted some chaos, oh well. Norvell and Lane are both chill choices....
he'll soon be offered his dream extension at Auburn....
will never forgive the suns owner for pushing him away. That team was incredible...
Were beat up as frick, but yeah maybe. Im kinda scared of what Ryan will do to the secondary....
Took advantage of that Buy2Get1 Free deal at target and picked up Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, and Twilight Princess HD. So a combination of those, and probably some Destiny....
I'll playthrough one again since I'm getting it again....
These crazy overtime games we've had over time make me nervous af, but damn they're memorable. Awesome game....

re: Ugly win >>> pretty loss

Posted by happyhappyjoyjoy on 9/3/16 at 6:13 pm
With all the upsets today I'm glad we didn't join the party at least....
Cardinal fans would be just as salty if it went the other way. I don't see why we have to have this complex system and I hope it gets changed one of these years....

re: Sonny Weems back to the NBA

Posted by happyhappyjoyjoy on 7/13/15 at 4:17 pm
Oh frick having an Arkansas player on the Suns is sweet....
Welp, time to post my sins I guess Naruto fighting games bundle Lego Marvel Super Heroes Also snagged Lego Jurassic Park off bundle stars for real cheap. Ark Survival Evolved Bully Scholarship Edition From the Depths I am Bread Beam.NG Drive Reus Age of Empires 2 Final Day: The Witch...
This might just be my dream game Buildable everything, giant open world, a dog. I need this now...
[quote]What's a great white shark cash card? Just noticed that's attached. [/quote] It's money on online. Rockstar disabled the ability to buy the base game and now only sale the bundle with cards. This way they can keep the price to a nice 59.99 Pretty shitty...
[quote]I saw gta for 30 buck I haven't seen that deal again. all for 59.99 now [/quote] I don't really care all that much about online atm so if those are the deals then that really sucks. I just wanna get GTAV to put on my laptop and also for the mods....
GTAV 50 percent off frick yes. Imma get that Naruto game too, it apparently is a shitty port but the roster of characters is so huge and it's a deep discount....