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Registered on:6/16/2005
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I think I’ve told this story before. My mom got a brain tumor and Dad almost died trying to take care of her at home. So we moved them to a retirement community. Very nice place. Mom very quickly got too bad for them to take care of.. in the mean time… dad hooked up with a woman who was part of the
My old man was the same. He was in heart cath recovery and he kept smelling something good. They kept it real cold in there. The staff had a hot plate and were warming their gumbo lunch. They had to bribe my Dad with gumbo to keep quiet about it.
When my Mom was in the hospital, he always brought
All the above. Enough good restaurants, HEBs aplenty. The woodlands pavilion has enough good music. Clean, very little crime, much less traffic than Houston. Easy to get around. If it wasn’t for a certain grand daughter being born, we would still be there.
When we moved there, I thought we would g
Doctors are doing the same thing. Anything to save money and not hire enough help.
Old country church with my wife. Not a member of the choir is under sixty.
They barely keeping it together in a normal singing voice when the chorus goes up a couple of octaves. None of them could get anywhere close. Not only that but as they tried to get up there, they ouldn’t get up to the same p
A lot of lawyers have salaries like yo-yo’s. Depends on what walks in the door. I know a small town lawyer had a slip and fall at Walmart where they clearly didn’t follow their own rules for spills. Made bank. Of course, the client had several back surgeries to get through. I wonder if he would say
My father was in the 1st Marine division and landed on Guadalcanal. Island hopping and then to Australia.
Moved to another division to train for the Japan invasion. Was on a troop transport when some bombs were dropped and they became an occupying force.
Davy Crocket is also my gggg grandfather t
A football helmet. And a Blakemore tube. Just found out who the old school ICU person is!
If you’ve ever known people who worked in the funeral business…
You realize this story isn’t really a stretch of the imagination
You are living my worst nightmare. Prayers up boss,
Oh, she’s a real cutie. Too.
I don’t know what the deepest well is but I was on a rig right outside Port Allen south of 190 that drilled to 31,000
Feet in 1981-82.
They hit their targets and kept drilling just to see what the E Logs might show. Back in the days when they didn’t really give a damn about how much money they sp

re: Rewatched The Pacific...

Posted by chuckie on 7/30/23 at 8:28 pm
I think Band of Brothers is the better show by a little bit. But I’m drawn to The Pacific because (humble brag) my father was a marine corp artillery officer in the 1st Marine division on Guadalcanal.
When I asked questions about it he gave me books to read, 1 was a history of the 1st marine divis
Shell oil originally was thinking Lake Charles would be what the Houston ship channel has become but the locals wanted more control than Shell was willing to give.
Used to work at hospital in lake Charles. 2 hookers called the front desk of the isle of Capri saying the guy didn’t look to good. Mid 60’s guy had bought 2 hookers and took a whole bottle of viagra. (Back when it first came on the market). He didn’t follow directions and took it with Meds you defi
I’ve told this before. My Dad joined as enlisted before World War II . Sargent when the war started and mustered out as a Colonel in the Marine Corp. it was a different time and
Situation. He was given an option to go to Annapolis after the war but Mom didn’t want to be a Marine Corp wife
Used to have a company truck. Work all over and had a habit of getting it stuck in the weirdest places. I was warned not to get stuck or there would be consequences.
Couple of months later I get stuck in a bad place where everyone driving by could see the company logo. Pretty obvious what was goin

re: Advance Directive Opinions?

Posted by chuckie on 1/5/23 at 7:57 pm
I work in an ICU as an RN. No tok toks. The worst thing I do is keep people alive when there is little hope. In the world we live in we are told to fight. But, in general, we don’t talk about death and dying. Anything can happen at anytime. People get sick or have strokes, catastrophic accidents all
Tow truck drivers are lowest of the low but do you think one tow truck company will tow another? I doubt it.
Good luck