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Location:F_uck Joe Biden, TX
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Registered on:10/9/2010
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[link=(https://fortune.com/2024/06/05/climate-change-heat-records-windfall-taxes-paris-accords/)]Fortune.com[/link][quote]U.N. Secretary General Anto´nio Guterres called Wednesday for a “windfall” tax on profits of fossil fuel companies to help pay for the fight against global warming, decrying them...
Okay, let's say there is a mistrial. My bet is it's purposeful and they set a trial date to stop Trump from flying around the country to campaign....
[quote]When do straight people be honored?[/quote]Frankly, I'm good. [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8t5bdc.jpg[/img] ...
The hottest woman I ever slept with was a drunken lush slut that was the spitting image of a young Dolly Parton. She nearly got me stomped by a couple of Hell's Angels types and right then and there I decided this woman is not worth another second of my time. ...
Don't worry. Soon, they'll do like China and install facial recognition systems that take the appropriate deductions from your account, kind of like the toll road system in Texas....
...and he'll be wearing women's underwear and stockings under his clothes. Oh, wait, that's Lindsey Graham. Nevermind. I meant to say they'll find his little book of pizza orders hidden in a desk drawer....
[quote]There was peace.[/quote]Therein lies the entire crux of the matter. "War' is good for: 1. Power 2. Business (leads to more power) 3. Politics (leads to more power) 4. Chaos (leads to more power by filling a power vacuum) 5. Wealth opportunities (buys power) As someone who has benefi...
[quote]I don't have racial animosity towards them[/quote][img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F654d93ec-92d2-45c1-9533-50536857f296_498x249.gif[/img]...
[quote]Rigged arse game.[/quote]Mavs keep missing. Rigged? :lol:...
[quote]Same Lambo or has she wrapped the first few around some telephone poles?[/quote]She didn't say, but she did say there's not a single drive she takes that she doesn't exceed 100mph sometimes in that drive. :lol:...
Don't forget, Hitler, Stalin and Putin....
Didn't Bannon refuse to appear after being subpoena'd? Isn't that why he is going to jail?...

re: Still arresting folks for J6

Posted by HubbaBubba on 6/6/24 at 8:15 am
[quote]These arrests never make the news.[/quote][quote]these are scare tactics to remind us to fall in line.[/quote]How are we supposed to be reminded if these arrests never make the news? There's a bit of inconsistentcy in your argument....
[quote]He is a pathetic, haggard, shadow of whatever he may have been 20 years ago.[/quote]20, 30, 40, 50 years ago, he was always a lying, piece of shite. ...
What were they doing before? :casty: [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8svvnq.jpg[/img]...

re: Do y’all like Gutfeld?

Posted by HubbaBubba on 6/5/24 at 9:30 am
[quote]I watch it constantly while working at home[/quote]I used to, as well, but FIX News literally abandoned Trump, called Arizona when there was only 5% of the vote in. No other news organization called it for at least two more hours. Biden eventually won, so they were correct, but it was by only...

re: Do y’all like Gutfeld?

Posted by HubbaBubba on 6/5/24 at 8:33 am
Why do you watch FOX News? They are complicit in the steal and work against Trump. ...
[quote]He needs to lie to them and pretend to play ball. Then stab them all in the back on Jan 20.[/quote]Like Castro did ...
[quote]yeah, decency. incest, and taking advantage of a vulnerable grieving widow.[/quote]and don't forget, Dr. Jill was Hunter's babysitter and banging Joe while Hunter's mom was dying of cancer....
[quote]Well he might maybe be a little bit iffy on the cognitive function part, but eh how many geriatrics aren’t?[/quote]At Biden's age, my mom would run circles around him. She's 90, drives herself, shops online, texts and plays Minecraft online with my daughter. Now, at 81, my Dad was just a l...