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re: First time to Starkville

Posted by BringIT on 9/30/13 at 10:02 pm
A warm welcome for your QuarterbackBerger.

ESPN Highlight

Really, come on and have a good time. Welcome at our tailgate. We're a friendly sort..

re: Richie brown update?

Posted by BringIT on 1/19/12 at 9:06 pm

Richie Brown could pass for Chuck Norris' illegimate son

He is...but legitimate. :thup:

Richie's really good. I don't know if LSU has room, but the kid reminds me of Vilma. If he can add 15 pounds of muscle, you have young Urlacher. Kid's so versatile, he even plays some Wildcat QB. Hope he doesn't end up at State so we won't have to see him in-division every year. He's gonna be cracking some skulls on ST at a minimum next year as a true frosh.

With ya. That would put him at 240. Only this month's visits will tell...
He been compared to young BU on other sites. And I think I read where he models his play after him somewhat. LSU will see him on Saturday somehow. The tackle count will continue somewhere no doubt.

Richie Brown is a ball hawk. I really wish LSU was after him harder. He is going to make someone very happy.

Richie did watch game. But after going hunting, not in Nashville.

He'll watch LSU take care of Bama too.

Oops sorry. I went back to dad. Said that richie was repeatedly called out by auburn coaches at a visit as best camper. So they are surprised no AU offer yet. He did say Lsu was sending letters and weekly calls but no offer.


Was called out at AU for LBs for speed and lockdown coverage. Chizik held out for instate options. D Coord left for UCF. UCF D Coord offers last week.

Was called out at LSU camp after one day dominant performance. LSU made offer after camp in July. Never let up since.
Official visits start Jan 7 weekend.

He has one each weekend in January from then on.

The process continues...but it's narrowing.

Either spill it ot stop..

Nah..you guys are much better than Comedy Central.
Especially the elite veterans on here.


Richie Brown

lost his spot to deion jones

I guess that's why those phone calls from coaches and mail came in this week. :lol:
Nope and uh...nope.

He did not attend either game and neither set of coaches minded.
An "outstanding offer" ?

Chavis not sold.

It continues...


Les Miles contacted Richie Brown last week after he was a no show for the Arkansas game and instead attended a rain soaked egg bowl between a 5-6 team and 2-9 team. Brown's scholarship offer has been pulled and given to Debo Jones.

Every single statement in this is untrue.
Richie attended neither game and informed all coaches before hand.

You guys crack me up... Fiction-spin doctors.

re: Realistic Predicted Finish

Posted by BringIT on 11/22/11 at 8:37 pm

we get it, dad. post some more sped up video

Yeah, yeah. You're missing your dad talking on CNN right now...

And Jeremy Liggins is committing tomorrow.

(see it's easy being you)

Thats actually tape, not socks.

Was the initial post even necessary?

I was there and walked off the field with him.
Lighten up. It ain't nothing to get foul mouthed about. I LIKE LSU. What's your deal?

You armchairs flame the guys that give you the most legit info. Go figger.

re: Realistic Predicted Finish

Posted by BringIT on 11/22/11 at 8:20 pm

The same word that said Jones didn't bump the instate kids also said that Chavis doesn't believe Brown is the complete package at LB. More of a combine star. Before the stat nuts come out with Brown's stats and how well he's played this year,not my statement. It's the word going around. I like Brown but prefer the instate kids over him.Will be happy however our class turns out.

"Word". Nice reference. He's never been to a combine BTW. Never had to. Only did one day workouts for coaches - which you didn't see.

Why does he not wear socks? He will get dogged from day 1 at LSU if he shows up looking like Huck Finn in football pads

Yeah, right. Umm those are socks he has on, slick. They are pulled down because he just skull dragged about 5 defenders into the end zone for a touchdown.


re: Realistic Predicted Finish

Posted by BringIT on 11/22/11 at 2:11 pm


I guess this DEBO guy is taking Richie Brown's spot.

That's what I'm thinking. It's been said that he didn't take the spot of any of our in-state LBs

Ya'll say some funny armchair stuff.....keep it coming. :rotflmao:

Richie Brown is the most underrated LB in America I don't get how he is only a 3 star. He has 5 SEC offers along with Stanford and Indiana. He is leading the state in tackles with 181 and has scored 18tds.

Yep 3 stars. Recruiting "services" don't want to come off early season guesses. :rolleyes:

Update: After final playoff game last night in 2nd round for Long Beach he has finished the year with:
23 TDs and an unofficial 210 total tackles on the year. (film review pending) The total tally for his high school 5A career will then be approx 523 tackles.

re: Mississippi Kids LSU is recruiting

Posted by BringIT on 11/10/11 at 3:35 pm

Is that Gautier they are playing against?

Yes it is. 18 tacks, 2 TDs on night.

For the others.