Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:Denham Springs
Biography:Currently alive and done things.
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Number of Posts:27120
Registered on:5/12/2010
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re: How I know the Matt Gaetz story is BS

Posted by Tactical1 on 12/24/24 at 12:35 pm
How I know it’s not bullshite, you’re a 25-year-old single man that adopts a 14-year-old boy. ...
[quote]The gold outline on the helmet is awesome. Wish they’d do it around the numbers as well.[/quote] The Falcons should never have gold on their uniform at all....
[quote]That’s fake.[/quote] Not surprising that this board falls for this all the time. ...
It’s “evil prevails when good men fail to act.” [img]https://media.tenor.com/58pB7sWoGz0AAAAe/back-to-the-future-biff-tannen.png[/img] EDIT: actually, that isn’t the quote either, it’s this. “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacri...
If Mike Tyson had both hands tied behind his back and I had a loaded pistol. I still wouldn’t like my odds. ...
Foreshadowing the car accident that Marty McFly would get into, and that his family curse was to get over being called a coward. It’s there the whole time, there’s so much going on in the trilogy that viewers just see it as a character trait that doesn’t really mean much, but it pays off in a gr...
I always say you can drive a Toyota to the other side of hell. ...
Looks like the kind of broad that would jerk a dude off in a theater with children present. ...

re: What tests your patience the most?

Posted by Tactical1 on 8/11/24 at 10:46 pm
Being stuck in line behind degenerates that play scratch offs. ...
Mark Wahlberg is staring in a film based on a true story where he befriends a wounded stray dog on an adventure race. So yeah, those movies would get green lit today and they haven’t stopped. ...
[img]https://gonewiththetwins.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/one.jpg[/img]I thought we were going to talk about the underrated Jet Li film. ...
It’s murder. The car thief called down the thunder and he got it, so I have no sympathy for him. That doesn’t give this other jackass the right to go full John Wick through the street and endanger the lives of others. ...