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Registered on:5/11/2009
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re: bama submitted to tDecline

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/29/25 at 12:17 pm

if the AP poll comes back

Did the AP poll leave?

re: Alabama can't lose tommorow night!

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/28/25 at 10:38 pm

Alabama can't lose tommorow night!

I double stamp and reverse your jinx post.

That said, don't want UF in the finals if it comes to that.


re: Top 10 QB's of 2000's

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/28/25 at 6:34 pm

the number 1 guy couldn't even outrun a cop


supposed to be "Mussel", not "Muscle"

There is debate about that. Without the dam and TVA projects, that stretch of water would have been a huge whitewater rafting draw today.

It was a bottle neck and one of the key fording sites, which brings a lot of Civil War history to the area as well.

Some have said it was because of the Muscle it took to cross the shoals in that area.

But, I think the mussels are very much more likely.

Tons of history in the Shoals area between Tuscumbia, Sheffield, Muscle Shoals and Florence.

lol @ wasting this shooting night

That's why I don't go to driving range. Don't want to waste the few good shots I'll take.

DIdn't Lynyrd Skynyrd record there or something

The list and range of genres of those that literally made Pilgrimages to Fame Recording studio to cut an album or record a song is impressive.

Bear was a drunk

You're welcome. Imagine how dominant he would have been had he been sober and focused.

Alabama on line 1.

No, you're new, so it's okay.

Phinizee is an AU name. Second chance U only further adds to the point of the thread.

re: Duke

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 10:43 pm
Well, that really fricks up my all SEC final 4. Thanks, man.

Why is Texas considered a blue blood program in football

I didn't realize they were. You may be confusing them with OU

How the frick did pistol pete average 44

He was an actual generational/all time talent. Not the yearly ones annointed today

re: LOL @ Florida basketball

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 9:14 pm

Wrong thread.

Lol at me. Too many Cuba Libres.

To my defense, almost any LSU fan thread here is a Bama thread
All SEC Final 4

Au vs UF


Uf vs UTk final

Uf cuts the nets

re: Elite Eight check in

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 9:01 pm
Where is the Pic of the guy who may have shot her in the crossfire after her BF who could have shot first?

It doesn't make it less sad.

But, you're continual pimping her Pic is sad and disturbing on many levels just to try to make a troll.

NIT Oates

Jelly of the Month Club hire

re: LOL @ Florida basketball

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 8:53 pm

more than likely Final 4.

Pump the brakes. Duke or AZ are going to figure out how to balance defending the paint with challenging the perimeter

But, it is certainly there if Bama keeps up the confidence and play style

re: LOL @ Florida basketball

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 8:50 pm

Second worst ... Second ...

They couldn't even do that right :lol:


re: Elite Eight check in

Posted by Che Boludo on 3/27/25 at 8:46 pm

enjoy it

Setting all time records in the Tourney is enjoyable. Win or lose Saturday, it is enjoyable.

Bama was leading the Tourney with points in the paint so far, and then... 25/51 from 3.


If Alabama keeps this up they will win the Title

No shite. :lol:

But, record setting shooting just doesn't happen every game.

Duke or AZ are hard matchups. Byu chose to take away the inside and force the perimeter shots. It didn't work. Doesn't mean it won't work the next time.

No matter what happens on Saturday, that was a fun one to watch

Bama winning by 18+ in this matchup and another easy road to the Elite 8

The sage, who knew?