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Registered on:11/29/2008
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Merry Christmas to all my recruitniks

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/25/24 at 10:09 am
Hope y’all have a great day with the fams or friends. Here’s to a whole new year on tRB :cheers: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FHdl5TEWYAU38i3.jpg[/img]...
[quote]GeauxFish31[/quote] Bro, why are you always big angry? ...
I agree, Verse was on another level. In all fairness the whole team fell off significantly. Almost as if something else is going on down there. I still think Payton is a huge pick up and will play well in our defense. ...
Lester has entered the thread [img]https://media.tenor.com/kxCs2ttOrxYAAAAM/gorilla-poop.gif[/img]...
The shite y’all come up with ...
Easiest money I’ve ever made. I pulled 5K off those 4 playoff games. Anyone with half a brain knew 12 teams was too much and the higher seeds were going to get stomped. ...

re: Great job tonight Tennessee

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/21/24 at 10:52 pm
[quote]You guys say this every year.[/quote] At least we’ve backed it up 7 times. How many y’all got? Still working on catching foul balls ...

re: DL Sydir Mitchell signs with LSU!

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/20/24 at 2:18 pm
[quote]but I really don’t care about any football stats prior to 2000. Even then, so much has changed.[/quote] You must be young, or just challenged, because some of the greatest players ever to play the game played before 2000 and their records remain. Odd take considering. You’re right thou...
[quote]TigerintheNO[/quote] Go back to the other boards this shite is getting old. ...
[quote]Since 1967 :lol: [/quote] Not sure how data is collected can be funny but okay. Do you need someone to post the last 20 years instead, like other years magically don’t count, would that make you feel better? ...
[quote]Yeaahhhhhh….naaaaahhhhhhh[/quote] I mean you can compare daft picks and talent to come out OSU at DB and get back to me. I said a debate, not that they’re right. Here I’ll help you out. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJ47kzdW8AAPomQ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096[/img]...
It was because he started another thread after there was a thread on his update at the top of the page. And 24 people downvoted me :lol: ...

re: Darron Reed Jr. - DL

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/18/24 at 10:11 pm
[quote]He flipped at the last minute[/quote] [quote]He just entered the portal.[/quote] I got his flip [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/44Eq3Ab5LPYn6/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9522atzmtdjuhrcb19ybd2rqxw89kspyix62hefjfb4&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: What’s going on in recruiting?

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/18/24 at 10:09 pm
[quote]Blueghost1978[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sl1uls2.gif[/img]...
Are you fricking kidding me...

re: Jacoby Mathews Update

Posted by LSUcajun77 on 12/18/24 at 6:50 pm