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Registered on:12/22/2024
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I’m genuinely asking if you get money for those posts…

re: What’s up with the tariffs?

Posted by AldousSnow26 on 3/5/25 at 3:20 pm
He’s intentionally tanking the economy so he can blame the left.

Why are you so angry? My question wasn’t even meant to be adversarial. But see the link attached.
Are you Eric Daughtery? Do you get a kickback for sharing these posts?
How is this different than anything MTG or Boebert would do while Biden was president?
You’ve posted 11,000 times in 6 months. You’re probably just a Russian bot.
Wait so you’re upset that European nations are trying to defend themselves instead of us being involved? Just admit you’re pro Russia at this point.

re: Is Zelensky a dictator?

Posted by AldousSnow26 on 2/28/25 at 5:45 am
He was democratically elected and he’s abiding by the will of his people and his nation’s Constitution. The Russian talking points in here are weird. Forcing a nation to have an election while they’re being bombed is idiotic.
Steve Bannon just did a sieg heil to cheers at CPAC, maybe stop doing things like that and encouraging it and you’ll get normies on board

you're 80?

Born in 1826, I'm one of the flagged social security recipients.
Trump messed up with his Ukraine comments. Everyone is starting to realize the 80 year old grifter is in Putin’s pocket.
How do you guys think these cartels are armed to the teeth with weapons from the USA? They obviously have guys helping them on our side.

re: Monroe Doctrine 2.0 needed

Posted by AldousSnow26 on 2/17/25 at 1:51 pm
"We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent." - Ronald Reagan
CBS News

Good to see we’re just blatantly being racist now. I’m so happy we have Elon Musk as the President of our great nation!
What are your thoughts on the GI Bill
This is Project 2025 and he lied about his plans on the campaign trail.

Project 2025 was wildly unpopular to casual voters so he distanced himself from it.
Vance is spineless. He compared Trump to Hitler and now he’s his lapdog.
They’ll kill Elon or Trump before they let them look at the actual figures being spent there.