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re: Lost My Wife Tonight.

Posted by RebelSquared on 3/11/25 at 8:49 am
To me this is sad either way.

If true-heartbreaking and if not what a sad attention getting maneuver that is a slap in the face to the folks on here who have truly experienced a loss like this.

We are going to try gluten free to see.

Highly recommend good celiac testing such as antibodies plus genetics that are done at labs like Prometheus. They are expensive but worth it IMO.
Going gluten free is really hard to do correctly especially if you are dealing with true celiac disease which may not be the case.


Thanks for the responses. No blood sugar issues. I checked into this after I read some articles on Google scholar.

Endoscopy showed no visual signs of cancer biopsies taken and none found there either. Previous poster is right about AI diseases being tricky. Currently seeing Dr. Saux and a gastro along with PCP. Injections will be finished end of March and follow up tests for Saux and Gastro in early April. Hoping to get a better picture of what's going on. I'm also considering a genetic test that determines his best diet options.

Sounds like you are on the right track. Be prepared to be frustrated and for your son to be misdiagnosed or the diagnosis to change. It can be a roller coaster. And to spend a bunch of money on tests, some that will be more useful than others but i think they are worth running to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Just part of the deal with these conditions.

As the other poster said, many doctors are not familiar with AI diseases, what to test, or how to treat-the rare ones especially. And yes, many of us with one AI develop other AI conditions or overlap which confuses things. But ruling out cancer and going in the direction of AI work up is the first important step.

You can always ask to have the biopsies reread for a second opinion by another pathologist. Sometimes that gives you more info.

The sooner you know what you're dealing with the better. IME the medical community works harder/faster/better at getting a diagnosis for kids under 18, plus young people medical histories are typically not as complicated as us older folks. I hope that is the case for your son and you get useful answers soon.
I am sorry that you and your son are going through this. Glad that it is not the c word.

I am assuming that the diagnosis was made via biopsies taken at time of endoscopy?

Good that you are getting a diagnosis soon. Autoimmune diseases can be very challenging to diagnose and treat. Some more than others especially the rare ones. Also, there is a lot of overlap with some of them.

I have an autoimmune disease that affects my GI system. Not fun. My two kids (now in their 20s) have different ones than me. I also have a blood disorder.

Treatment can be tricky too and IME some of the treatments are worse than the disease. Very individual though and takes time to see what works and what doesn't. Best advice is getting your son a team of doctors you trust and can work with his pediatrician/family doctor. Both a rheumatologist and gastroenterologist-preferably pediatric. He may need a hematologist to weigh in as well. At least at first until the diagnosis gets sorted out.

I would not start giving him a bunch of supplements, change his diet, etc until you know what you are are dealing with, what the treatment options are, etc. You don't want to muddy the waters until you are confident about the diagnosis. Autoimmune diseases are challenging enough.

wishing you both the best

re: Saturday SEC Men's Basketball

Posted by RebelSquared on 3/8/25 at 3:35 pm

Vitale is making this game unwatchable.

Yep. Keeps talking about the NC Duke game later.
Another vote for not a coyote. More like a neighborhood dog who FAFO.

Seems like the guy was waiting for him too.

Good result regardless.

you have to wait to get a human on the phone who can also tell you they can't figure out how to help you.

If you can even understand their thick non-American accents.

Depends on the girl I suppose.

My daughter was the type where the less i said the better when she was 15 and went through this.

It ran its course in 72 hours.

Good luck

definitely, and I think todays crop of young sloots are even more brazen, "sophisticated" about it, thanks in no small way due to social media and the webz

Plus their easy access to porn. They have been exposed to porn in some fashion from the time they or their friends got a smart phone in elementary or middle school.
All lies start with a kernel of truth

Lots of hot sorority girls out there who live in that catty gossipy world and back stab each other all of the time but it never results in a situation like this.

Same deal with any potential frat boy she might have rejected.

The parent's statement and go fund me are odd.

I think many posters are disappointed that their fat middle-aged hero may not have scored the win they thought he did.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I still feel sorry for the little sister who was dragged through this as well. All of the others not so much.
It's not just his relationship with his son that he has ruined. How do you think his own young daughter feels about him now? How is she going to continue to think about him from now on?

And people wonder why many women are messed up.

and rest is straight arse raping.

yep. the power and control part is as strong or stronger than the sexual urge

The wife quit screwing the husband... women don't understand that if you turn off the faucet a man still gets thursty and has to go elsewhere.

So now we're blaming the mom? :rotflmao:

Go elsewhere doesn't have to be the son's GF

The son, his mother and the sister are the true victims here. Not that the girl deserves to die, but she has contributed to the permanent destruction of a family she probably claims to love and care about.

Agree that the mom, the son, and his little sister are the victims here. Especially the kids. The mom has most likely known exactly who she's been married to for years. The kids didn't get to pick who their parents are.

Why is all the blame on this stupid college girl? What about the dad? It's HIS family. I am sure he claims to love and care about?

Pages of high fives, envy, praise and admiration for the grown arse man that could've screwed plenty of other gold digging young sluts who weren't his son's GF is weird to me.

If you want to admire and fist bump Bill Belichick for being with a woman young enough to be his granddaughter, okay. whatever. He's at least in a "relationship" and also not ruining his family's life. But this scumbag? Ruining his relationship with his own son and jeopardizing his marriage and career just to have sex with this girl?


And I doubt they stay married. I am guessing her potential divorce settlement has grown exponentially over the past 24 hrs.

re: Hardest day of my life

Posted by RebelSquared on 2/24/25 at 7:01 am

Get some professional psychiatric help. You’re on the OT Lounge looking for advice and guidance.

Why not both?

And I am not hearing that he is looking for advice or guidance here but support and understanding.

Although reaching out online for support has its risks, by OP post count this is not a new community for him. Also, I am pretty sure from his posts he said he has engaged in professional mental health services.

I say get help where you can.

re: Hardest day of my life

Posted by RebelSquared on 2/24/25 at 5:47 am

We don't have the report back yet. My guess is a pulmonary embolism. It is a risk factor in orthopedic surgery. And for the first month she was in a wheelchair and not able to move around much, which is another risk factor..

The cause of death is nobody's business but your own. When you get the report only share if it makes YOU feel better, no need to satisfy the curiosity of some insensitive strangers on the internet.

re: Hardest day of my life

Posted by RebelSquared on 2/24/25 at 5:36 am
Hi again Jim,

As i posted previously, after lurking here for over a year, this thread moved me enough that i posted for the first time.

I am still touched so much by your story. From what i hear you and Susie had both gone through some real struggles in life but then found each other. I am very envious of that relationship you describe. Many of us never find that. You had a sweet taste of finding your person and all the love, support and meaning to life that brought, now that is gone, and you are isolated again with your pain. That has got to be excruciating, and you are doing an amazing job coping and getting through day to day.

It seems to me to be a human self-protective thing to only be there just so much for others whether it be grief, chronic illness or other hard times, other people will only listen or sympathize so much which is why i think it is helpful to go to a therapist even if they don't seem to be helping much. At least for me, I feel better knowing I am paying someone to listen vs burdening friends and family who seem to be able to only handle so much.

I am glad that you keep posting and although I am new here just want to add myself to the list of people here who hear you and care.

The older I’ve got if I do eat chips it’s original Lay’s

Same. Thin and really salty. I feel like i might break a tooth on the thick kettle type chips.

re: SuperBowl = Embarassing

Posted by RebelSquared on 2/9/25 at 9:11 am

Haven’t since Jackson flashed her tit with some help from Timberlake. It wasn’t an accident.

That incident was a turning point for me too. Definitely not an accident and two decent artists reduced to sleazy stunts and choreography.

I think many of the melts, rants, posts etc are because most of us miss the Super Bowl including the non-game aspects that were so much better 20 plus years ago and, admit it or not, are somewhat sad today.

Doesn't even feel like the same event. Morphed into something unrecognizable to me and I just have no interest. My kids and their friends all in their early 20s have very little interest either. My son is a huge sports nut, and he chose to work today instead of watching the game. I was surprised by that. So, it is not just us older people who are over it. And yes, I know there will be millions who do watch it. The hype machine does work on many plus there is nothing else on today. The NFL makes sure of that.
Always enjoy Buzz's press conferences and radio interviews. Seems like a genuine guy as well as a great coach.