Favorite team:Tennessee 
Number of Posts:279
Registered on:7/9/2024
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]1. This was made 1 year ago. 2. Doesn't keep old time members from posting 3. Be honest. Have you applied? 4. Where did these three long time VOL Tennessee posters tell you all of this?[/quote]I would assume this place is like most sports forums. The fans left after much suckage over 10...
[quote]dawgbitch9[/quote] What a suck up. Found the guy that took names for the teacher. :lol:...
Quinn Ewers Dad is a know-nthing jackoff like his overrated little bastard QB. ...
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for attending school there. ...
[quote]thegapingMAW[/quote] Go change that bloody tampon....
[quote]Dupe. I now see I was beaten by nearly 5 hours.[/quote]They will need to be reminded many, many times in the coming years. ...
[quote] Full List[/quote]Thank you :cheers:...
[quote]II'm not opening a NY Post link[/quote] :rolleyes:...
[quote]Today, the SEC declared Tennessee as the official UT[/quote] We already knew Tennessee was the real UT. Where is the link to the defensive team? ...
How about an admin for the Tennessee board?...
[quote]Not SEC material[/quote] No, spineless pukes who draw shite swastikas on their walls, then fire university presidents, chancellors, and coaches on the orders of BLM are not SEC material. ...
[quote] Team Days since Last Post Tenn 135 It verifies that Tennessee is full of alters.[/quote]Why are Alabama fans such stupid bastards? No, it verifies what three (3) different long time Vol posters here have told me. No access is granted to the Tennessee board. There is no active admi...
[quote] Did the article also state that Tennessee is a state filled with slack-jawed hillbillies?[/quote]No, but it did mention dildo-licking, firearms-hating liberal cocksuckers from Austin, Northern Mexico. ...
[quote]I'm 30 and LSU has been Tennessee's daddy during my lifetime.[/quote]LSU has NEVER been anybody's Daddy. :lol: Your sorry arse team literally had to pick the worst era in UT history to win a few games. ...
[quote]Ohhhh no not a chip on their shoulders!!![/quote] We don't need a chip to beat LSU. 21-10-3...
[quote]You clearly don't know anything about our WRs[/quote] Squirrel White will run past your receivers and wait on them in the endzone.He can actually catch the ball too. Bru will knock your receivers out of his way two at a time to make the catch. He has good hands as well. ...
[quote]If he wanted to pardon Hunter, he could have already done so. He could do it right now. I doubt that is a sticking point.[/quote] He could, but he won't pardon him now. The optics would be too bad. Mr. "We Need To Outlaw Guns" immediately pardons his crackhead son from felony gun char...
[quote] Like most unions these days the UAW is not for the worker, it is a paycheck skimming operation for the Democrats,[/quote] This... When organized crime was pushed out for the most part, the Democratic Party stepped in to fill the void. ...
[quote]How long until the fist in air is deemed a racist threat to democracy by media? We all know it’s coming at some point[/quote] .and here is your answer. Throw this meme up and let them stutter. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/J4d7KHD4/Black-Power-vs-White-Power.jpg[/img]...
[quote]I can see how it is difficult for an entitled, pompous douche bag to understand why you wouldn’t want to be around a bunch of entitled, pompous douche bags.[/quote]/thread...