Favorite team:Tennessee 
Number of Posts:136
Registered on:9/28/2023
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re: Update on Bru McCoy

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 9:43 pm

I had this exact injury and surgery at 22 years old and it was a full 5-6 month recovery back to full speed.
Did yours come back 100%?

I just hope he might be able to resume football.

re: T-Rant meltdown continues

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 9:40 pm

We are just waiting for baseball and basketball season bitch.
I guess I would too if my team sucked at football like yours. :cheers:

re: T-Rant meltdown continues

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 9:32 pm

Go to bed serraustitute.
This dude had to have fricked your fat wife. :lol:

BK opens early tomorrow.
Meet me there with that wife. I let you watch me frick her fat arse harder than serraustitute did. :cheers:

re: T-Rant meltdown continues

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 8:41 pm

They hate whiny Arkansas cocksucker trolls


T-Rant meltdown continues

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 8:37 pm
THey hate Kelly
They hate Notre Dame
They hate House
They hate everybody

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
If they hate White people that bad, they should leave the country White people built.

October 7 @ No. 1 Georgia (undefeated) - L
October 14 vs Missouri (undefeated) - W
October 28 vs Tennessee (rival game) - L
November 4 @ State (rival game + cowbells) - W
November 11 vs Alabama (angry Saban) - L
November 18 @ South Carolina (rivalry) - W
November 25 @ Louisville (Governor's Cup) - W


Is Kentucky really about to win the SEC?

re: Top rushing teams in the SEC.

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 5:28 pm

Let's see your powerhouse team's schedule.

The difference was that she deserved it. This poor guy was just trying to have a good time.

I hope the LSU player is arrested and suspended from the team. Brian Kelly should release an apology immediately.
Nick Saban deserves to take one in the head during a drive by. Hey, just thugs having a good time. I'm sure Terri Saban will defend them. Probably ask that any charges be dropped.

By the way, any Bammer pathletes been involved in the murder of pretty, young single mothers lately?

re: Will LSU beat Missouri?

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 4:12 pm

Will LSU beat Missouri?

Offense alone should carry y'all in that game.

re: Utilization of the White Athlete

Posted by Burt Wayne on 10/1/23 at 4:10 pm

GTFOutta Here. Mcconkey wanted to go to tenner and your lame arse team wouldn't even recruit him. How am I wrong. Yeah maybe now he would make a roster but not outta high school.

Jason Witten says hello.

I love how LSU fans twist themselves in knots to justify this and also conveniently forget the drunk redneck LSU fan who went after an Alabama staffer last year

At least he didn't punch a woman like you Bammer shitheads. Then have that piece of shite for a person coach of yours defend him.

Who that ghetto rat from Bammer that assaulted a woman at UT?

LSU player assaults Ole Miss fan on the field last night

At least he didn't hit a woman like those chickenshit ghetto thugs from Bammer.

Then have that unethical little son of a bitch, Nick Saban, defend his thug arse.

classless. is this really what sec life is like? if so, hopefully we can set a good example of how to behave like civilized adults
The first time I see a dildo being licked on the real UT campus in Knoxville, I'm knocking somebody the frick out.

Ole Miss kids throw drinks on older LSU fans
I see other LSU fans in the crowd standing around enjoying their drinks?

Why are these two badasses ready to fight? No one else seems to be having a problem.