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Something tells me you haven't been to Long Beach, MS, before.

There’s a couple down the street from the restaurant who were disqualified from the promo. Wouldn’t be impossible
Too bad there wasn’t a pre op trans man / pre op trans woman couple in the area to go collect that free shite. No matter how you look at them, it’s a man and woman and they can make a child.

Kinda rough singling out your neighbor down the street.

Im pretty sure qualifacations to get into jucos today is to just not spell your name wrong on your aplication! Those boys there playing against probably cant even spell baseball much less hit one!

Shoeless Joe was illiterate, Yogi Berra never attended HS, and think of all the foreign players who’ve come from the developing world. Baseball has always been the working man’s game. You don’t need literacy to throw faster than frick.

Why did Nate Oats only PLAY DEFENSE down 20 with a minute to go?

He’s ears have gotten too big for his britches.

Sir, you do know that this is a Louisiana based site?

When this site was started it’s was for the elite of the elite in Louisiana. most of the state didn’t have a computer let alone Internet access.

re: Crews had a rough day

Posted by AlextheBodacious on 3/29/25 at 5:40 pm
If only he had 160 more games to climb out of this

Boulder Mafia


No relation to the Italian mafia


some do, but what the frick does that have to do with the question you asked?

We got a male fast pitch coach with some rustled jimmies

I’d reckon they start coaching their daughters and it goes from there.

Moms can’t coach?

any male you see under the age of 40 who works in DC, particularly if they work in politics/government, is super effeminate

Stephen Miller has camps for people who say shite like this about him.

Only upper deck I sit on is the back of a toilet.
I’ve never understood why so many men coach fast pitch. How do you coach a sport that you never played? Sure it’s still a diamond but the mechanics aren’t the same as baseball.

Johnny Football wasn't running for office.

Tubs ran for office and he’s a bigger loser than both.

JaMarcus Russell

Jamarcus was boys with fats domino, nobody liked JFF


They make great gloves but the bats are for white trash

throws Phillip Fulmer under the bus

You’d need this bad boy to get that fat frick under a bus


I’m a product of the NOLA public school system

Pride shines brighter than trash every day