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[quote]The continuing trend of box office bombs clearly shows people are finding different forms of entertainment[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/e2cc2f1b-4e3f-4af0-8e96-caa76927cb01_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Pretty rough take that most disagree with.[/quote] Most haven’t read the books. It’s fine for what it is… very pretty to look at and most of the performances were solid for the little character development there was. Zendaya, outside of the coveted diverse look, I fail to see the appea...
Visually stunning, but emotionally flat like the first one. Reduced an epic story too much and transformed the Chiani character from a fascinating one into a sullen girl played by a bad actress. The ending came off as an afterthought. Technically, well done, but everything I’ve seen from Villanueve ...
[quote]Unless injury happens I don’t think Pettiford is playing much if any 1 this season. That is basically per Bruce[/quote] And he’ll be playing somewhere else, year 2. You can no longer sit guys like that all year....

re: Bama’s new mascot

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/26/24 at 8:56 am
[quote]better recruiter [/quote] Son, this is the ONLY thing "recruiting" in the modern game. Coach bragging is the past. [img]https://media.tenor.com/6Nc3ruWGn6gAAAAM/solanaapetradingclub-satc.gif[/img]...

re: The birth of the middle class

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/26/24 at 8:49 am
[quote]This president you speak of also dumped enough money into the economy to frick it up. His policies conflict the middle class.[/quote] You mean like every single republican since Coolidge himself?...
[quote]mom and pop theaters in middle America [/quote] Those still exist?...
Amateur. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.gifer.com%2F1aM5.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=43ea45430703e3765d3757fc3d9857ac82c973e18ebe329650187aea881a95ee&ipo=images[/img]...
[quote]Biden intends to initially address the verdict in a White House setting — not a campaign one — to show his statement isn’t political, according to the people, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. [/quote] [img]https://www.ram-trx.com/media/huh-gif.24712/full[/img]...
[quote]But most forms of evil will never be stopped by love and faith alone.[/quote] Brother, this nation and most of the western world was settled amongst cannibalism, human sacrifice, burning people alive, racism and a host of other evils. We have come from tribes killing each other daily and r...
[quote]They thought Jesus would protect them. [/quote] They were doing what Jesus called Christians to do. Love can change evil. Indifference can’t change a thing....
They very “competent” to those who bought them. If we actually had a free press rather than a “free market” press, is what you probably mean....
[quote]He can't. It's illegal.[/quote] When has that stopped them so far? The slow slide to state control continues. ...
[quote]cops gotta be cops and escalate shite[/quote] If cops were in the habit of always "escalating shite", there'd be a lot more bodies stacking up in the streets. Most complaints I see about police is that they don't do enough and that's primarily because of people who really, really hate the c...

re: "Major League" Movie

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/21/24 at 10:31 am
[img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/o6C9zfyyyQoAAAAC/major-league-movie.gif[/img] ETA: This is one of a number of really solid baseball movies made in the 80s, but by far the best comedy. I really miss baseball being such a big part of our culture, but all the pro sports aren't what they used to be...
His party, like most of the republican and democrat party, is that of global hegemony. ...
[quote]The question for the ages, boys. What to do? [/quote] Hide her dog in the hall closet, apparently. ...
[quote]Easy to understand. If you are paying anything to live in Alabama, you are paying too much.[/quote] Yes, please convince your friends to stay out as well. To answer the question, you had a LOT of retirees from Michigan, New York, Illinois, California, etc. flooding down here during the...

re: Tried to watch Biloxi Blues

Posted by AUCom96 on 5/21/24 at 8:36 am
More Marvel movies will be along for you soon enough....
[quote]Question? Where do buy your tin foil hats ?[/quote] Another example where leftists never offer anything other than insults and deflection....