Favorite team:LSU 
Location:St. George, LA
Number of Posts:10416
Registered on:9/15/2007
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[quote]I've said it again and again, within 10 years they're going to drop the requirement for football players to be enrolled at the school, and in short order they're going to drop the four year eligibility limit. Schools are going to maximize profit and once they realize they can make more money ...
You may recall Burrow getting blindsided in the 2018 Fiesta Bowl by a fat defensive tackle from UCF. And ever since then Burrow has basically been unstoppable. You may also recall a UCF player who taunted Burrow after the hit received the following anonymous letter postmarked from Birmingham, Al...
[quote]Mark Gastineau sounds like a pathetic loser[/quote] Agree to a point, but what do we always criticize these days? People talking behind each other's back, fake outrage, etc. This guy had a problem with Favre and told him to his face. And his outrage here is anything but fake, even if ...
Just sucks all around. Brett laid down for Strahan and probably didn't think much of it. Well Gastineau sure thought much of it, and still does. Kind of the unintended consequences of being "nice". The NFL should have called it a running play for a loss of 5 yards or whatever. ...

re: Arik Gilbert to the portal

Posted by RidiculousHype on 12/10/24 at 10:15 am
[quote]Him and TJ need to plan their next stop together.[/quote] And get Tyler Taylor and Travonte Valentine added to the defense...
[quote]The McRib is back. Even killers have a limited time to pick them up.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/OQ4zyeyBQeYAAAAM/donald-trump-trump.gif[/img]...

Chris Nakamoto to WAFB?

Posted by RidiculousHype on 12/8/24 at 2:25 pm
Hearing it’s gonna happen very soon! Make BR Great Again :usa:...
Mary Olive Pearson, the late lawyer who fought against everything the tax paying citizens of EBR wanted ...

re: St George Question!

Posted by RidiculousHype on 12/7/24 at 10:19 pm
What’s the estimated value?...
[quote]Whats the point in recruiting when 90 percent of the class doesn't even make it to year 3[/quote] 3 year contracts are coming soon Hell it may be a draft instead of recruiting soon after that...

re: HMBL back from the dead?

Posted by RidiculousHype on 12/6/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]They set a record for number of shares traded[/quote] "Now's a good time to get back into HMBL" [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GeATVcyXcAAOM0C?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]The level of opponent was much better at LSU.[/quote] This. She's good, but not great. You have to be great to shine at LSU...
[quote]that mutant Purdue team.[/quote] I haven’t heard mutant used as a derogatory term since… well, Shredder....
This kid inserting himself into what could be an assassination plotted by very powerful people, what could go wrong?...
Do you even Cade's bro? Andy's and Eddie's are good but last I checked didn't have cake mix, which is a game changer...
[quote]Dog that was tied to a pole during Hurricane Milton and rescued by FHP[/quote] The world is so fricked up now that when I got this far I feared the rest would be "eaten by Haitian in Ohio"...
I think it’s fairly hard to tell. You’re going against yourselves every day in practice so you can fool yourself pretty easily....
It's like we're intentionally setting up for the next HC to go all "no more alternate uniforms - classic look only" at his intro presser and be hailed a hero...
[quote]Vince Haley, that is[/quote] [img]https://consequence.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/denzel-relieved.gif?w=366&fit=1031%2C580&quality=80&strip=[/img]...