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Got this pop up

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 7/18/18 at 10:57 am
On mobile

Google membership rewards or something.

I know vets who are not okay with it. One is my uncle who still had a Trump sign in his yard and a bumper sticker on his truck. The sign went in the trash and he scraped the sticker off his truck. No matter Trump does he will never support him again.

Liar :lol:

So he’s mad that T
1. Havoc, LINK

2. 1 week.

3. Not sure, there may have been another like over 2 years ago.

4. Says he thinks he either went too hard in the paint in the covington violence thread (insults going back and forth with another poster) and/or ma

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/30/17 at 12:00 am

Junkies have been a godsend to the music world

:Lol: True.
The inflexible mindset grated on my soul. Part of me loved every aspect of the Corps but there was often conflict with the free thinker and maverick side. And also intolerance to idiocy. It was a series of profound moments of introspection that resulted in me not going career via OCS, PLC or JAG.

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:53 pm



re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:52 pm

And it’s funny how many whores on here have done him. Stupid whores

Wonderful whores.

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:51 pm

Sun Hog was his name.

Nailed it. A Coco like posting memory you have. :Lol:

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:50 pm

Sometimes he posted as Smegma. But mostly Tigah Rag. Welcome back Rag

I like to think Rag is still alive. I liked him. If he is, he should let me know. If he's not, Godspeed.

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:47 pm
SS is cool except when he's trolling racial or political shite, in which case he's garbage.

re: Worst poster in OT history?

Posted by USMCTiger03 on 12/29/17 at 11:45 pm

Afreaux was pretty bad

Worse than bad, a complete fraud troll that got exposed. #RememberXavier

Paul Allen is pretty fricking horrible too.
The fricking Death tax makes me want to do very bad things. Very.
It's odd because I loved both sets a lot but yeah, one set kinda seemed all about my cousins on that side even though they were kinda...salt of the earth (low ambition, not very bright, bad life choices) while me and my siblings did well in school, got college and advanced degrees and more. So I gu
I thinks it's a shot at progs attacking the CN and she's posting it bitching about it.

Grouping everyone together. It's what they do. If you call her out, she has to make you evil. Therefore if you're calling her out, you must be a white male in the Cajun Navy. If you're a white male, you must be an oppressor. If you're an oppressor, you must be racist.

She's right as

quote: the former.

I literally just was able to understand how to use this correctly.

Yeah it's like 1 and 2. 1 is the former, 2 is the latter.
Wait, does she think that "we" (OT, people commenting on BR crime FB page, etc., IOW all those "attacking" her) are the Cajun Navy?? As opposed to regular folks who are pissed off about her lies and bullshite? She seems to talk like she believes the former.

I mean, I'm sure we all support the CN

what is her mental deficiency?

Borderline personality disorder
[quote]Symptoms include emotional instability, feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, impulsivity, and impaired social relationships.
People may experience:
Behavioral: antisocial behavior, compulsive behavior,