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My advice is to call them and set up a meeting at a public place like Starbucks. Don’t invite them into your home and don’t go to their office.

I assumed this would be a phone interview. It's not?
Googled the agent's name and found his linkedin. Looks like he checks out, but between his name and profile picture, I'm not so sure this guy isn't a hit man for the mob
Mailing it would seem much more official. This was a folded up piece of paper wedged in my door
Yeah. No one told me they were listing me as a reference for anything recently
I'm almost positive I don't know anyone that works for the gubment that's interviewing for a position of national security though
I got home from work today and found a notice stuck on my front door from the Dept of Defense Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. The note stated is necessary that I call them back about the fitness and suitability of person they are considering for a "position of National Security or Public Trust with the US Governemnt." Today's date as well as the name and phone number of an agent to contact was given. There was also information on how to verify the agent's identity.

Never heard of something like this. Really strange.
Is this legitimate or a scam? If this is legitimate, should I even contact them?

re: T-Top for a Bay Boat

Posted by Bobandus on 2/18/25 at 9:42 pm
Sterlings for sure

re: Turtlebox....are they worth it?

Posted by Bobandus on 12/2/24 at 10:51 am
Is a turtlebox loud enough while running a noisy 2 stoke outboard?

re: Cold Feet Tips

Posted by Bobandus on 12/2/24 at 10:50 am
Buy some cheap spray-on antiperspirant. Game changer
Next time I have to fish out my phone from down there, I'll be rewarded with a little snack

I have two 50AH and it’s plenty for inshore fishing.

What brand did you go with?

I can do 7 fishing trips and the battery monitor says I'm at approx. 75% capacity.

That's pretty impressive. And exactly why i'm considering the 50 ah. My typical trip is usually 8 hours max. And I don't mind charging between trips.
Mainly want the space savings from the smaller 50 ah. But have been considering the 100ah mini too.
Are you running the 50ah in series for a trolling motor?
So does anyone have experience with using 2 - 12V 50 ah Li Time (or other cheap amazon brands) batteries with a 24 V trolling motor setup? Heard of it working out fine with more reputable brands. Wondering if it will be ok with some cheaper amazon ones

re: Beach Volleyball

Posted by Bobandus on 8/5/24 at 11:51 am
Man that was kinda ugly

re: Boat headlights

Posted by Bobandus on 8/4/24 at 9:01 am
Try harbor freight
Frick this Tennessee home plate ump

re: Short men married to taller women

Posted by Bobandus on 6/7/24 at 9:49 am
When you're nose to nose, your toes are in it. And when you're toes to toes, your nose is in it.

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by Bobandus on 5/31/24 at 3:06 pm
This thread needs pics