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No because they weren’t allowed to learn to read. Moron.


White people have done both positive and negative for many different race

And other races have been pretty universally negative.
Throughout history you'll notice a pretty common and consistent theme.

Different races and ethnicities treating those outside their own group absolutely brutally.

Whites are now the only race on the planet that has ever done ANYTHING of any kind for any other group than their own.

The reward for this altruism will be extinction.

Their social and political satire has been really stale for the past few seasons.

It feels toothless and lethargic. There's nothing clever or biting about it anymore.

I bet they make a hard left turn

South Park has already gone subtly "woke" for a few years now. It will only continue.
Yeah as I said, if you're poor life is hard in general, it's not like poor minorities are riding on easy street, but there seems to be an entire massive infrastructure in place trying to help and uplift poor minorities whereas if you're a poor white you're basically just ignored or told you're the problem.
Being poor anything is a hard time but if you're poor and black you have an entire grievance/pr industry there lobbying for you, politicians pandering to you, scholarships, affirmative action, etc.

If you're a poor white person you have nothing. In fact, you get to constantly hear how evil and awful you are.
That thing was designed by a group of a people in love with their own farts.

Why does it look like the buttons and D-pad are not sticking out at all?

Because the bulk of the buttons are clear, the symbols are not on top of the buttons anymore but sorta inside them.

re: Is it wrong to want a good country?

Posted by PEPE on 6/11/20 at 5:06 pm
The defining characteristic of a nation is sharing similarities with people.

Common language, religion, belief system, values.

That's how nations get formed.

multi-enthic, multi-cultural societies will never work, ever. Never have, never will.

Out of curiosity , how is Antifa allowed to take over anything ?

If the local officials are going to support them they are going to be allowed to do whatever they want.

They run wild in places like Seattle and Minneapolis because the weak willed left wing local politicians don't have the balls to do anything to them.

small, six-square block section

the lulz

I'm so hyped about the Demon Souls remake. It's the one souls game I haven't played. Always wanted to play it but never wanted to get a PS3 just for it

A shite ton of people are going to get to play it for the first time which is great. I had to track it down and get it after I had already played through most of the Souls franchise and I wasn't disappointed even though it was slightly dated at that point.

It's definitely rough around the edges but it has incredible atmosphere and was the game that launched arguably the best genre of gaming today.

I personally don't think it is ugly.

I'm not a fan of asymmetry. That combined with the two tone designed just makes it visually unappealing to me.

They wanted to go space age, futuristic. Which means shite like this

I'll be half way tempted to f'ing spray paint it if they don't offer a black version.
Jesus Christ it looks god awful on its side...
Interesting there is a disk drive-less version, pretty much cements the fact to me that this will be the last console generation to support physical media.

Hate the freak show design. I know they want it to be flashy, but I want to to be understated. Most peole don't want this garish looking weird thing in the middle of their living room.

I assume you can lay it on its side? I hate the vertical console idea that they try to push.
I forgot RE8 was gonna be werewolves, could be cool.

Still waiting on Knack 3

Found Dunky's handle here.