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re: Trump releases urgent message

Posted by RobbBobb on 1/2/25 at 7:15 am
[quote]Great message but this gave me pause. "The CIA must get involved[/quote] So people were masturbating over Massad and pagers a few months back, but God forbid Trump suggest our own international intelligence community get involved against the exact same people...
He was also at one time on the roster of a minor league football team called the Colorado Springs Flames...

re: Landry is so tone-deaf

Posted by RobbBobb on 1/1/25 at 10:58 pm
[quote]Cancelled a game. Oh so safe.[/quote] Cancelled? When did they cancel the game? I think you mean postponed. So they could free up some law enforcement form the investigation of a known terrorist attack. And allow them to increase security at the Superdome. You know that big huge building,...

re: CENLA Bros

Posted by RobbBobb on 1/1/25 at 10:49 pm
What a load of shite about Hooters. Especially after Buc-ees bolted from EBR because of their level of grift (and of all St George)...
Just so you know what is really going on in your neighborhood [quote]According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: “Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it.” The primary Quranic verse sanctionin...
[quote]hoping [u]the attention[/u] will raise money to help her mother, [/quote] Oh boy...
[quote]when the future president befriended the academy’s only Black midshipman.[/quote] [quote]Carter was called the same racial epithet when he took over his family’s peanut farm in South Georgia[/quote] None of that happened in real life. It was campaign fluff...

re: Anyone Want To Visit Idaho!?

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/31/24 at 7:46 pm
Been there. Would go back...

re: MAGA Mike Johnson!

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/30/24 at 1:17 pm
[quote]Taxing Authority [/quote] Are you crying, again? Jeez. Give it a rest. Trumps gonna make a ton of statements over the next 4 years. Supporting the current REPUBLICAN speaker isnt a tantrum offense...

re: Rattler is effin terrible

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/30/24 at 1:04 pm
[quote]The reality is that you’re pulling opinions out of your arse[/quote] uhhhh, the Redskins had the #2 pick for a reason. And the Raiders were the worst team in the NFL, until Rattler became a starter, so . . . ....

re: Rattler is effin terrible

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/29/24 at 3:16 pm
[quote]Daniels and Nix were both top picks, with better teams anround them,[/quote] Maybe you missed the part where I said if they played for the Saints today Hes terrible. This is vs the worst team in the league, and they schooled him There is no nuance to that...
[quote]I do like what I see from Rattler today[/quote] Are you a Raiders fan?...

re: Rattler is effin terrible

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/29/24 at 3:12 pm
[quote]Rattler is a rookie. It's amazing that someone should even have to explain this to people pretending to have football knowledge.[/quote] Jayden Daniels and Bo Nix are rookies. No way in hell they look this terrible, if playing today for the Saints. Against the worst team in the league Hes...
[quote]Seen enough[/quote] too bad he still had the 2nd half to play 3 for 10 for 20 yards so far in the 4th qtr. 1 pick, 1 sack...
[quote]Why’d he die again?[/quote] Being uninformed is your first problem ...

re: Credit Card Fraudulent Purchases

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/29/24 at 11:48 am
[quote]The fees are there whether it means your sandwich is $9 or $8.70 with an “added” fee that makes it … $9.[/quote] No the sandwich is $9. So I pay in cash. If I had paid with my CC, that sandwich would be $9.36. If everyone always paid cash for that sandwich, it would be $9 But the business...
One stickied thread would be helpful. The topic has drifted so far off track that it now has threads that belong on the OT * One positive about America's changing demographics - about hot foreigners coming to the US * Elon Musk's burner account exposed * Elon moving H1B's on Mars Also, the s...

re: Credit Card Fraudulent Purchases

Posted by RobbBobb on 12/29/24 at 11:26 am
[quote]I ALWAYS pay cash at restaurants,[/quote] This Tons of places are now adding credit card fees to your purchase. Their crap is expensive enough as it is. I dont feel like subsidizing their business practices...
[quote]You actually believe that bullshite?[/quote] More than I believe that Biden got 81M votes Or that a cold needed to shut the entire world down in 2020 Or that the earth is warming so fast that we will all be dead in a decade Or that all matter and energy in the universe just popped into ex...
The Pistol He died early. leaving behind a mythological legacy The younger generations know Shaq more as a celeb, ad pitch man, sports commentator. Not so much for his dominating NBA days...