Favorite team:Arkansas 
Location:Fayetteville, Arkansas
Number of Posts:1619
Registered on:9/27/2016
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[link=(https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1499241523459891203/pu/vid/330x320/VTfaWnO0Dgwfm5q6.mp4?tag=12)]shut up[/link]...
[quote]Special shoutout to Ole Miss for being so many of those wins even when they were hard to come by. [/quote]Yeah.... what a self own by ole miss here. All those hookers, burners phones, bong masks, and Bielema fricking owned them. 4 in a row to Bert. AND STILL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

re: Most overrated SEC baseball team

Posted by hilltophog on 2/28/22 at 3:51 pm

re: Most overrated SEC baseball team

Posted by hilltophog on 2/28/22 at 3:29 pm
[quote]Played baseball my whole pre adult life. Now you’re a different type of “catcher”.[/quote] No wonder he like Tony V so much... nearing 50 years old with no wife and family. bet they enjoy the parades together. ADD: DVH by the time he was Tony V's age (43) D2 National Title w...
We played a weekend series (might have been Thurs-Sun) vs. Southern California and there might have been 2k there on Saturday night with the majority of the fans being Hog fans. Nobody gives a shite out there. It's f'n weird too because Southern Cal historically is a damn good program. "But ...

re: What is more annoying to SEC fans?

Posted by hilltophog on 2/22/22 at 12:25 am
A. Nothing is annoying about school fight songs/cheers. You know how you avoid hearing that shite. Don't let them score or win. Simple. Marty Smith is your prototypical tv personality. Douchey? Sure but who on tv isn't? So the answer is A. A hands down. A by a mile. A A A A A A A A A...

re: Arkansas flooding the board

Posted by hilltophog on 2/15/22 at 10:19 pm
[quote]You talking about that vacant Mizzou Arena?? [/quote]It was actually pretty loud.... with all the hog calls. :lol:...
Baseball in the SEC is arguably tougher than football....
You not only employed but you were also cucked by a coach who called this brisket?!?!?!? [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyKoAzQWEAkGP1O?format=jpg&name=large[/img] You don't belong in the SEC....
[quote]UK has 37, but hey no need to put us in there or give us a credit. Just a little ole basketball school. [/quote]don't ya'll have a shite ton of cheer natties too? Also, volleyball? If you win a national championship then claim that mfer....

re: SEC basketball foul differential

Posted by hilltophog on 1/20/22 at 3:42 pm
Where does LSU rank in 3 point attempts in the league? I ask this b/c every once in a while our WBB coach will decide that the best philosophy is to attempt the most 3points attempted in a game and wouldn't you know we don't get to the line that often during those games. If your team is tossin...

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 8:41 pm
What a day for the poor webels. Briles staying at Arkansas and Methzou kicking your arse in Oxfart. YOU ARE OLE MISS...

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 3:21 pm
"Der her..... look at these insecurez hoggies replying to me. Hyuck Hyuck... i amz dam master trollz" Meanwhile every Razorback fan is recounting the Ole Miss history of suckage = their entire existance. It's 2022. Society has deemed it ok to cry a little bit webels. Just look to your "Heism...

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 2:31 pm
Lebbby decided to go be an OC for a knock off Freddy Krueger look a like vs. stay in white trash tent land. [img]http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/268/736/brent-venables_display_image.jpg[/img]...

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 2:28 pm
[quote]So first there was a phantom ole miss hooker which is about to be made an example out of[/quote]Honestly feel bad for that person behind that account who was spreading rumors. Not a good place to be right now....

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 2:25 pm
what the frick is that shite? Are they planning on deciding the game via Madden Tournaments? That fricker don't know shite about football - makes Drinkshitz look like a former All-American....

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 2:23 pm
Still own the overall record. Ya'll lost 4 in a row to Bielema. Bielema.... let that sink in.... BIELEMA beat ya'll 4 times in a row. You haven't won a game in Fayetteville since 2008. It took your Heisman candidate...(sorry can't stop laughing - weak ankle didn't even get invited to New...

re: Briles to Miami

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 1:52 pm
[quote]Speaking of entire offenses leaving, how did Ole Miss do without Corral? [/quote]Ole Miss got dominated by team with a QB from Earle Arkansas once Mr. I got a boo boo on muh ankle pussy left the game....

re: Most Famous SEC Alumni

Posted by hilltophog on 1/18/22 at 12:21 am
The last two coaches responsible for winning a Super Bowl for the Cowboys... [img]https://static.clubs.nfl.com/image/private/t_editorial_landscape_12_desktop/cowboys/ak6vp91wqljz6vfdqeun[/img] [img]http://sportsdaydfw.imgix.net/9999_NEED_DATE_NS_28SB-TROPHY_2636985.JPG[/img] and the owner w...