Favorite team:Harvard 
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Registered on:1/16/2004
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[quote]You have cataracts [/quote]...

re: Photo bombing the Canadian groveler

Posted by Amadeo on 11/30/24 at 10:32 am
Trump looks great in that photo....
[quote]Knock yourself out.[/quote] I have a brother in law who writes shite just like hat in a hauntingly familiar way. When they get the thorazine level right they are usually able to minimize his psychotic episodes. You've got to be joking, right?...
[quote]Thought to be somewhere between 190-210. He chooses to live on a small horse farm in Missouri and hasn’t done very many notable things, lots of reasons for that and he’s an interesting person to read up on.[/quote] That guy is a bigger fraud than that Falcon guy who claims to have the worl...
I saw Antonio Fargas at a Jazz game while he was down here filming....
[quote] 1974 50 year celebration was versus Tulane, [/quote] My very first LSU football game. This is of course a shot in the dark, but you wouldn't happen to have a program from that game you would be willing to sell? Trivia: Who scored the first TD for LSU that game?...
We’re at the Old Perkins/Bluff intersection and our power came back on about 20 minutes ago or so. They’re moving quick. Are you in Manchac Place?...
[quote]Problem is people don’t know this there is nobody to call them out after it’s over[/quote] Just as there will be no one to call the jackasses out here on this board when Fox 8 is proven to be right....
[quote]We’re reaching the cone of people that don’t know shite need to start shutting the frick up with bold predictions.[/quote] You mean like every mother fricker that has since tapped his keyboard to "contribute" to this thread?...
[quote]They all look like the same person.[/quote] Ever since I was a very young man that's an absolute very real phenomenon for me, and it is for that reason that I've ALWAYS had a profound preference for brunettes....
[quote] Just watched an old LSU game and saw an athletic TE, which made me immediately think of him.[/quote] Just saw the calender and realized that this was the one year anniversary of him breaking into a liquor store in Lincoln Ne.....
[quote]Houthis hit 150k ton oil tanker off the coast of Yemen-2x the size of the Exxon Valdez[/quote] Not to sound picky, but the Exxon Valdez was 214,900 long tons....
[quote]It is a racist system that tells blacks they can’t achieve what whites achieve.[/quote] I'm going to take an extreme position here and posit that it is not "a racist system", and that they indeed can not achieve what whites achieve in the classroom, or ever will....
Perhaps Woodrow Wilson after his stroke....
[quote]Very much a human with flaws (aren’t we all) but effective in his messaging.[/quote] So was Thomas Jefferson, but show me a book, an article, a speech about TJ within the last 15 years that doesn't morph into a discussion of Sally Hemings, as if she added some kind of symmetry to this incred...
[quote]People have families to feed[/quote] They also have families to protect. A private arsenal of 390,000,000 firearms literally ensures that things will never get out of hand in this country. That is the true brilliance of our Founding Fathers and the 2A. LEO's would soon frown upon coming h...
I've been saying for three years now that he is the fourth member of LSU's Mt Rushmore along with Pete, Shaq and Joe...forget about it....
List is complete shite without '68 Harvard/Yale, and '66 Notre Dame/Michigan St is somebodies idea of a sick joke....

re: England - It's Happening

Posted by Amadeo on 8/2/24 at 4:34 pm
[quote]Keep fantasizing and keep fetishizing about mass chaos and mass deaths. It's not loony at all.[/quote] My "fantasy" is to be buried six feet under when that inevitable shite kicks off, and I really don't know what the frick you are talking about....

re: England - It's Happening

Posted by Amadeo on 8/2/24 at 4:24 pm
This is particularly chilling to me, because it's exactly how I imagined IT would start. Throw in a contentious election in November that will most certainly become racial and Look Out!...