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re: Ominous/Scary photographs

Posted by Vestigial Morgan on 2/26/21 at 9:26 pm

Promise if I was the father I would be burrowing a tunnel to this guy’s jail cell

And the dude...to follow the stereotype to a the letter...middle age lived with his mom...drove a pedovan
The Obama Biden admin already laid the ground work ( answer to the op) about how they view this. The DOJ argued ( on legalese) that conservative Christian ( individuals and organizations) certainly have the right to be Christians...just not practice it. Meaning...you can be opposed to homosexuality and transgender...(pedophilia) but you can't act on it.
Christian schools should not be afforded the ability to "discriminate" against transgender

re: Ominous/Scary photographs

Posted by Vestigial Morgan on 2/26/21 at 3:25 pm

as a PSA:, if the tide ever goes way, way out, don't stick around going "oh, this is really neat." Get the F out of dodge.

Reading about the Christmas Tsunami....animals started freaking out before hand ( before the water receded ) the animals knew things weren't right.
Not exactly the same but similar

Im against taking it because i don't need it...I don't trust the science behind it ( for allb the hoopla of Apollo 11...we forget about Apollo 1) and i don't trust the people tauting it. It was the US Govt that sprayed its own citizens with carcinogenic mists at the Pruet-Igo complex in St louis "oh we are just testing to see if the Soviets can spy through clouds " ...then residents starting contacting cancer in statistically significant numbers....nah, Im good with forgoing a vaccine
The dog walker was actually a 104th trimester abortion...the dogs though
And to quote our current (P)resident

"He (Hunter) is amazing....the smartest person I know"
Desantis isnt running as a second fiddle. He has the resume to stand on his own and he should. He is everything Trump is but without the "horseface" tweeting that turned alot off. Sure something will be conjured up about Desantis but....that's inevitable about any decent R candidate

A Desantis /James ticket is my pick.

re: Caption this photo!

Posted by Vestigial Morgan on 2/24/21 at 2:13 pm
"100+ people wondering when the photographer stops and the bartender starts"

 US prices to soar. Us oil production to bottom out.

Wouldnt normalizing things with iran...allows them to increase production...increasing supply...decreasing prices?

This seems contrary to Kerry-Heinz climate schtick. What does he want with ( get from) Iran? The Ayatolla isnt going to give two fricks about solar panels and environmental uptopias..so why lobby for him?

Why did Obama give them cash?

I mean..Iran is really punching above their weight in world importance with the attention and kowtowing they are getting Its an abnormality that isn't humanitarian based

Besides kickbacks...what does Iran offer that gets them some leverage. Why do they have Kerry sucking up to them for the last four years...why did obama want to make them happy? Oil....we got that. Is it simply kickbacks? Or is there some complicity with their ideology?..other wise they are simply a dot on a map. Other than those two things ....I don't understand why we pick up the phone when they call.
Florida kids will run this country

Eta. Thank you Gov Ron...i was initially ticked when you closed schools...but glad you saw that that couldn't last and you stood up for the kids
If i recall ...Iran still owes a billion plus interest from their sponsorship of the Lockerbie bombing....since i don't think the families will ever see that...
I don't for one second believe the guy was out "for a jog" ...
But i'm not marching for that father/son's freedom.

17 State AGs asked Biden to cancel college debts two weeks ago. I wonder how many of those AGs comprise the 18 asking for this reversal

Also...just 18? Should be 50. Or at least 46 I have zero hope for Cali Ore WA and NY.
Had a discussion with my wife about this.. She was coming off reading an article am from WAPO about Dan Snyder and how bad he is and such....i was like "he probably is a j/a...he has been ultra wealthy for longer than not...but work within a yr you'll see some move by Bezos you acquire some/all of the redskins...and this is the body blows to soften Dan up" It seems it will be less than a yr
She's incompetent and incompetent but has been on the flight path towards governorship for a while. She's the kind of politician that is " what political office is open that i can win regardless of whether i can do the job"

Saw Mike Shula at driving range a couple of months after being let go in Tuscaloosa Debated whether to say.."sorry things didn't work out but still a legend" but ultimately decided to let him hit balls without interruption

With 2019 being the hottest summer in Alaska's history

Temps reached 100 in northern alaska in 1900.