Favorite team:Alabama 
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Registered on:1/2/2016
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This is whats going to make the next 3-5 years so enjoyable. Watching your fans deal with the new reality.

What's not going to be enjoyable is trying to find any low cost, single-ply, generic toilet paper anywhere within 50 miles of Opelika during the next 3-5 weeks.

I have it on good authority that Beth Mowins will be given serious consideration.

She would be too much of a distraction for the players.

re: The Best There Ever Was!

Posted by A Lite on 1/10/24 at 7:29 pm

That’s because Bama recognizes championships that don’t exist. That being said, I appreciate Saban putting LSU on its modern history trajectory. Dude is definitely, arguably, the best ever…. But glad he is retired.

Bama has more AP and UPI NC's won just by Bear Bryant than lsu has total.

No team can ever compare to Alabama, much less a backwater shithole school like lsu.

Your team and your fans aren't in the conversation.

re: The Best There Ever Was!

Posted by A Lite on 1/10/24 at 7:08 pm

Congrats on being a peasant again.

If Saban had never arrived at Alabama, lsu is still ranked below Alabama in NC's, total wins, SEC Championships, etc...

If Alabama had quit playing football and closed down the program in the 80's, after Bryant's death, Alabama still dominates lsu in every single categorical variant that can be imagined.

We have always, and always will be Kings of The Gridiron.

re: The Best There Ever Was!

Posted by A Lite on 1/10/24 at 7:05 pm

Need to add one where he's hoisting his first one.

He wasn't real proud of that lsu NC trophy because it was a shared NC. Saban never talked about it.

The Best There Ever Was!

Posted by A Lite on 1/10/24 at 7:00 pm

A king among peasants.

2020 was Sabans best team and the best team on this list. That offense was unreal. NFL caliber. Glad USA Today got that right.

I agree. I'm not sure why it is even a debate, really. As Tuscaloosa stated, ESPN and USA Today both agree that 2020 Bama was the best college team to ever exist.

And there is this:

The only people who deny this are a handful of lsu posters on this site and a couple of trolls who collaborate with them.

The rest of the nation is in agreement that 2020 Bama is the best there ever was or likely will ever be.

This Bama bitch still melting over LSU for no reason. KYS.

For no reason; it is funny as hell. Did you not even follow the link that Tigerbait provided?

It's hilarious. Most yards after catch when behind the line of scrimmage national statistical champions? Who does that? Who keeps those kind of stats?

We don't do cups thats one of them Texas schools!

Technically, lsu is the "We Don't Do Cups" National Statistical Champions?

Are you going to be okay? I’ll order a cup for you too if you’d like. :)


Hopefully I can add your melt post to my custom natty cup coming in


Christ. That shouldn’t have been written!

Why not? It's what every lsu fan has been belching out onto SEC Rant for quite a while now.

Best offense national title. Most yards national title. Most points scored in first 5 minutes of 1st quarter combined with most points scored after the 8 minute mark of the 3rd quarter national title. Most wins ever by a college football team without fielding a defense national title.


re: What is it about Missouri?

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 11:04 pm

What is it with the self hating fans on this site. I post something nice with a genuinely compassionate attitude about a disenfranchised fanbase of a pretty lackluster program, and I get bombarded with hate.

re: Thank you Alabama

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 10:27 pm

Only for LsU little obsessed bros… only for you

All-time series: Alabama leads, 56–27–5

re: Thank you Alabama

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 9:44 pm

If UGA would have been in the game they would have been the favorite.

But Georgia couldn't even beat Alabama.

Louisiana girls are mostly dumb whores

But you are a dumb whore.

Yes. Neither of them are worthy of even being talked about. I’m surprised either school still has fans that haven’t fled the country.

You blow everything out of proportion like a woman. Got a pic?

re: Kirby is getting old

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 9:30 pm

I'm new here. Beats me.


re: Kirby is getting old

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 9:28 pm

Ding Bag should take notes of the subtle presentation that A Lite used to hook so many.

Ding Bag is histrionic; he seems easily agitated.

re: Kirby is getting old

Posted by A Lite on 1/9/24 at 9:26 pm

Anyway what were we talking about? Oh yeah. Bama is done, and UGA’s biggest asset was the East so they will still be better than Bama but certainly not the juggernaut that we feared.

You act like a homosexual.