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Registered on:7/28/2015
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re: 35 bucks for 10 pieces of bird

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 5:18 pm
I’m sure the prices were up. And you still bought it :dunno:...
Live in Houston for a bit and you'll understand They suck. Most boring, annoying, delusional, inferiority complex group of people you'll ever meet. And that's all before you get into all the weird cult shite they do....

re: Does your dog put you to sleep?

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 1:33 pm
[quote]It's just me & the mrs so any room is fair game.[/quote] :cheers:...

re: Women Asked What Do Men Want?

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 10:53 am

re: Tigerdroppings vs Reddit

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 10:42 am
[quote]They'll auto ban anyone who ever posted in a "bad" sub even if you never even opened their sub. It's mind boggling how sensitive they are about anyone different from themselves.[/quote] I got banned on Random Thoughts. Prompt was "What is the weirdest thing society has normalized?" My ...

re: Does your dog put you to sleep?

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 10:37 am
[quote]2 Labs in our king size bed. Wouldn't have it any other way although 1 of them is a master at getting between the Mrs & I. This is the 1 that will get me off the couch if I've fallen asleep in front of the tv. The other Lab is pretty normal, at least at bedtime. The rest of the day he's go...

re: Tigerdroppings vs Reddit

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 10:25 am
Please don't become reddit I don't go there much, but I have gotten banned from 3 different forums in the past two weeks for barely anything. ...

re: Does your dog put you to sleep?

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/26/24 at 9:12 am
Dogs inside is bad enough, but that’s wild some of yall let them in the bed with you every night ...
I always know some shite is going to get started as soon as I see someone say “Old Meterie / Old Metry” :lol: Watches — people love to get triggered when we talk about mechanical watches ...
[quote]My generation didn't do tats... maybe some had thier frat letters at the ankle...tried to be cool and yet hide it... [/quote] Ohfff that’s about as bad as it gets. Along with those Tiger / panther ones you used to see on (now old) baws calves....
[quote]Dang, why did you tell him? And what do you do?[/quote] He has become a friend and mentor and it was clear my heart wasn’t in it anymore. I work in high finance and it’s not unusual to burn out / want to do something different / move somewhere else. He’s floating my name to clients and ...
There is a white collar recession. I’m finding it very difficult to move out of financial services to corporate. And by all accounts (including as stated by recruiters) I’m an A+ level candidates It’s very dejecting. But I’m luck (so far) in that my boss is letting me do a light work load and ...
In US, Los Angeles in late 80s - mid 90s? Globally, probably Monaco between 60s and 90s?...
[quote]If guys are invited then its just a party. Have some beers, eat some food, and ignore the rest.[/quote] Agree with this ...
It’s not that unusual. It’s situational — especially if other dudes are coming through, not that big a deal....
[quote]Upvoting and downvoting serves no purpose if you think about it.[/quote] Would get interesting if it was tracked as a visible cumulative score and once you got past a negative threshold, you go to the penalty box for a while :lol:...

re: 2024 Formula 1 season Thread

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/23/24 at 8:07 am
Nice move Max. frick George ...

re: Why do bands do encores?

Posted by tylerlsu2008 on 6/22/24 at 10:09 pm
100% agree and have wondered the same. What was the point of all of y’all walking off stage to walk back up literally 20-30 seconds later?...
3,1,2. I’ll save 4 for the less fortunate....