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Registered on:2/28/2015
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It's weird.

Those are probably the best 4 schools in the SEC.

Third favorite Tiger?

Come on, man. He isn’t even Tory Carter’s mom’s third favorite Tiger.

If it’s good enough for DJT, it’s good enough for me!!!

My doctor says he will prescribe if I really want it!

Good god people—put Fournette in the 2019 offense!!!!!

The offenses we’ve ran the last 20 years were also QUITE simple.

Don’t overthink this.

We had the greatest CFB player in history for two years.

The second year he had a real offense.
How big a role did Russia play in WWII?

I’ll tell you how much. A lot. They played a big role

Honestly, I would rather form a strong alliance with Russia, and leave France, Italy, Germany, UK, you know the week sisters behind.

re: Bigger hoax Russia or CV-19????

Posted by crescentcity on 5/8/20 at 11:13 pm
They’ll justify by saying that a conspiracy video with misinformation about BoogeyMan Flu could cost millions of lives, whereas a 911 video just cost brain cells.

Millions of lies the MSM tells every day.

Bigger hoax Russia or CV-19????

Posted by crescentcity on 5/8/20 at 11:06 pm
You decide:

Up for Russia.

Down for Libvid 19

Now they're apoplectic that Trump is going to be tested EVERY DAY and that anyone with infections near will be traced.

Shouldn't they be applauding???

The hypocrisy of these people.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


Is it possible that the famous night game record is a little skewed?

Tough games are split between night and day tv games.

But McNeese State, Rice, and cough (Troy) type games are always at night.

Warren Buffet is a socialist

Posted by crescentcity on 5/6/20 at 4:52 pm
Commie value investor

I'm tired of elites telling us how to run our country.
I wish I’d seen that article.

Could have made serious money.
I think Cam Akers might have a lot of value here.

Football has won 3 NCs

Baseball 2.

Growing up in the 1990s, i never thought football would have won that race.

Lie 1) That it doesn't work or that it has killed people in studies. False

Boycott FOX

Lie 2) That the idea to promote hydroxychloroquine as a novel treatment for CV-19 c

More evidence FOX is infested

Posted by crescentcity on 4/21/20 at 8:00 pm

While Hamite and Tucker have been stellar in quelling the virus of left-wing COVID hysteria, there were still operatives inside FOX spreading nonsense internally.

FOX employees were told to stay home, cease travel and communicate with each other by Skype.

This was coming from the top, the

It’s that the “bi-partisan Senate” committee is saying the Russia information is not.

We already know these were lies.

And the committee is not bi partisan. They’re basically one party now the Republican Lite/ Democrat party.