Favorite team:Col. of Charleston
Number of Posts:3364
Registered on:10/8/2014
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There’s an F1 sticky at the bottom. It’s one of the 8 stickied threads that has no reason to be stickied and sees little to no posts.

Why do we need a stickied thread for every minor sport that someone talks about once every 3 weeks :lol:
Womp womp, hate to see it :lol:
Good. Trumps America. If you’re not from here get the frick out and stop taking our jobs.

Why do MFers keep talking about boomers?

Because they won’t kick the bucket unfortunately
Well aware. I’m a voter in district 1
Nancy Mace. The original DEI benefactor as the first female graduate of the all male corps of cadets at the Citadel at the time. Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

re: Trump broke KC

Posted by TheGasMan on 2/11/25 at 8:56 am

New Orleans, which is a cesspool of demoncraps

Dems are poor. Repubs are white trash. Both can be true

It’s hard to get away with holding in the NFL.

:rotflmao: have you watched a chiefs game at all?
We’ve had several fixed and rotor pilots chime in on both the flight aspect and NVG aspect multiple times in this thread.

Union Pacific had $6.4B in net income in 2023, on $24.1B in revenue. They could have given every single one of their 31,000 employees a $100,000 bonus and still run at a ~13% net profit.

That’s fricking wild. Especially when you realize that in 2000, they were running at ~8% net profit on less than half the revenue with over 50,000 employees.

So.. yeah, if they aren’t finding qualified candidates it seems like a pretty easy fix.

All of this. Look I get that companies are beholden to the stockholders now… but come the frick on. Can’t bitch about industry standards when you’re unwilling to pay competent employees yet dish out 7 billion. That share price will surely plummet if/when they’re in the firing line of a major incident.

No. Some were, probably. The ones who took the brunt of the impact or had the rotor cut them. But the rest probably survived until impact with the water. And maybe some drowned. Just guessing here.

Nah. Imagine jumping off of a 300’ building at 150mph and the likelihood of survival. Thankfully everyone would have died from BFT on impact.

the gulf have a night vision screen, a radar screen, and a gps with AIS that shows the location of all commercial vessels.

Nah. They’re rocking FLIR, radar, and gps with AIS integration. And the Gulf isn’t special in that realm.

He oversaw the cruel starvation of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.

Sounds like Vlad
To be fair the F35 flight control system is a joke. That pilot (and the one in SC that the DoD pinned the blame on that flew for 12 minutes after he punched out) did everything they could it seems, held back by an over complicated and unresponsive control system. Take a look at the incident report from the SC punch out.

Oh and that Jo Ellis post is confirmed to be not real. She/he has posted this morning. The side by side of the pilot and Jo aren’t even close to being the same person :lol:. Who would’ve thought that the initial post form a guy named “FakeGayPolitics” would be eaten up by trolls and posted all over.
Same way we trained for the upper end reactor casualties on a submarine. Training simulators. We weren’t going to risk running a feed line rupture drill resulting in a reactor meltdown on a 1 billion dollar sub. Same can and is done for pilots. If a simulator isn’t good enough, you engineer a better one. 67 people are dead because the army fricked this up.
Posted this on the PB accidentally…

I mean, I get it. Easy to pin it on the gal. But dudes crash planes and choppers as well.

Anyone know if she was the O3 or the Warrant?
I mean, I get it. Easy to pin it on the gal. But dudes crash planes and choppers as well.

Anyone know if she was the O3 or the Warrant?
He was a great coach for us at College of Charleston.. Took half our team with him to Louisville. If they start to lose (doesn’t look that that’s going to happen anytime soon) his schtick will wear thin with the fans.

Interestingly enough he was instrumental in us picking up former Louisville head coach Chris Mack to replace him at CofC.