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No, Chavis will lose the game for us, much like his defense has done in all of LSU's recent big losses. Its time for him to go.

Watching Arizona and Oregon go at it, both teams run the SPREAD, not a hybrid of the spread, but the pure unadulterated SPREAD. The options given in the SPREAD are innumerable

The only thing that isn't an "option" for these guys is winning a national title. The past 10 national title winners did not run an "unadulterated spread". Its a good way to neutralize a disadvantage in talent, but once you reach the elite level, execution matters more than scheme.
It was definitely the game that started UT's long and slow slide into mediocrity. Other than winning the East in 2007, UT didn't have much to cheer about after that game.

re: Les Miles is better than Auburn

Posted by GeauxstsofLSU on 10/1/14 at 10:03 pm
Put down the brown paper bag soaked in spray paint.

Nah, they're coming back to win that 2015 title. It will be 4 years from the 2011 title run. LSU will be right on schedule for another one.

re: CFN prediction is out

Posted by GeauxstsofLSU on 10/1/14 at 2:27 pm

Why would Chavis be in deep shite?

Because his units have been garbage the past two years.

re: Watching LSU game online?

Posted by GeauxstsofLSU on 10/1/14 at 9:55 am
If you have direct TV, just download the watchESPN app. Then you'll sign in using your cable provider info (make sure you're signed up with an online account first with DirectTV). After that, you'll be able to see any game on the ESPN networks.
It couldn't hurt. I just heard Matt Moscona say on Finebaum that LSU is "flat out bad at DT". Not sure if we are whiffing on recruits or if the early departures are finally catching up, but they looked helpless against elite run games (MS State and Wisconsin with the guys they already have out there.
The District
Bayou Beer Garden
The Bulldog
Down the Hatch
Because Haley didn't have 4 returning starters. He's underperforming but Grimes has turned out to be a terrible hire.
Wasn't their a BS call on a punt at Auburn in 2006? I vaguely remember LSU punting, and the Auburn return man hitting the ball as he tried to waive off the people coming down field. The replay showed clearly that the ball changed it's rotation when he hit it. Instead of LSU recovering in the end zone for a TD, the replay guys gave it to Auburn.

Do any of y'all remember that or was I just that drunk for that game?

Clayton Tufts

Nice name. Booooooo

Read: Constitution provides protections, limits, and duties for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, not LSU

You're an idiot. The only people LSU could possibly censor would be students, but even then, the censorship would limited to a very narrow range of instances--for example, the ban on TKE game day signs. The students must be doing something that violates the LSU Student Code of Conduct.

Again, threats are actionable by the police, and LSU could take someone to court for libelous or slanderous statements. But they can't do anything to people voicing displeasure at the football team.
Threats, slander, and libel are different than negativity. Threats can be reported to the police, slander and libel are civil torts--the police has nothing to do with them. But unless someone is out there saying something really bad (and false) about a particular player, LSU isn't going to waste its time.

I'm saying it here.

Thanks captain obvious. We would never have guessed judging from your stupid wall of text.

re: Should LSU have more day games?

Posted by GeauxstsofLSU on 9/29/14 at 12:30 pm

what makes LSU fans so uniquely terrible?


re: Should LSU have more day games?

Posted by GeauxstsofLSU on 9/29/14 at 12:23 pm
Did you go to the Florida game last year? Until late October the weather makes it absolutely miserable to be in that stadium. Just wait until next year when LSU is good, and CBS will give you all the day games you want.

Tell me the SEC teams who have played more quality OOC teams the last three years than LSU.

Yep, and where were those games played? The only big time non conference home games that LSU has played were scheduled years before Miles/Alleva got here. LSU put 40,000 fans in the seats in Houston, I'd hardly call them spoiled brats.