Lolo Jones celebrated her birthday in Paris this week...

Thought I wound spend my birthday in Paris enjoying the night life of the most beautiful city in the world

I spent it working 15 hours producing my first international tv show

Thank you everyone for the DM’s bday love and everyone who is helping me get my first tv show launched!

I came up with a concept for a reality tv show and my friends are helping me do the impossible. Create, film a tv show with Olympians during the games. Ahhhh 2 hours of sleep daily.

It’s been wild.
Filed Under: Summer Olympics
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user avatar
cajunmud5 months
I might watch that.
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robertgamb5 months
She really needs a rack
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ellesssuuu5 months
she really needs some cock
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faraway5 months
she needs some self respect and humility
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JackieTreehorn5 months
That window is closing fast
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denvertiger5 months
Not fast enough
user avatar
SoFla Tideroller5 months
Great looking girl who could definitely use some upper torso enhancement.
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BabyTac5 months
Love you LoLo!!!!
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Broadside Bob5 months
Her boobs actually do look a little bigger in that picture. Love me some Lolo regardless.
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G Khan5 months
She is fine, but can tell she has an insatiable desire to be adored...adored 24/7.
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cajunmud5 months
Maybe she was one of those babies who her mom fed her with a sling shot.
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CR40905 months
All that and still can't get laid. Yes. I said can't. It's obvious. No guy she wants, wants to deal with her.
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jimmy the leg5 months
I like Lolo.
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Mr Happy5 months
Her body looks good in that outfit. Other than that, I don't find her especially interesting. Maybe if she did something relevant, she would be relevant. Like feed the homeless or teach track to inner city crippled children.
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LeClerc5 months
Has she gotten laid yet?
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Homesick Tiger5 months
It must be the ugly womenz that cry about treated and looked at like a piece of meat because the pretty ones don't seem to mind the attention at all.
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spslayto5 months
Birthday suit usually means nude. Just saying.
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Bulldogblitz5 months
No one wants to post a pic of nude Pic of her for fear of it being labeled CP
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TNTigerman5 months
"Nekked" is how you say it.
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prplhze20005 months
I wonder what a dinner date with her would be like. Could she actually hold a conversation?
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cbree885 months
I bet it’s nothing nice when she decides to fart.
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tigerterrace5 months
get some titties
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The Torch5 months
Has she gotten any goober yet ? Didn't she claim to be a virgin in college or some such ?
user avatar
ChineseBandit585 months
Is nobody going to congratulate LEO on his CLEVER use of the descriptor "birthday suit" ?????

way to go LEO - :bow:
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LSUMBAgrad5 months
Isn’t her 15 minutes long over??
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