During Saturday’s G-Day spring game, the Georgia Bulldogs showed off the music video for “Dawg Bite,” featuring none other than Mark Richt’s son, David (along with another artist, Colt Ford, who appears to be taking style tips from Hank Williams Jr.)...

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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tigerbait1.6143 months
well that was...interesting
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Tigah32143 months
So ghey
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SomeTigerFan143 months
Interdasting indeed
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lighter345143 months
Autotune much David?
user avatar
meaux5143 months
that was bad
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Hair of the Dog143 months
That looked like John Anderson in the cowboy hat.
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utstnx143 months
that really makes me want to to go to uga ...BBBBBWWWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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dawg-fan#1143 months
I like it is catchy
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dawg-fan#1143 months
I like it is catchy
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AUlove23143 months
That was turrible and they should feel turrible.
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Dupree4free143 months
if recruits don't come because of this, they gonna feel the dawg bite dawg bite
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ItsThatDude12143 months
well i'll never get those minutes back
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Ignignot143 months
owl city wannabe
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Captain Ron143 months
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BoudreauxinGA143 months
I live in Georgia and this video is EXACTLY what I've come to expect from these people. UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
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Hulkklogan143 months
Best UGA anthem ever
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