Johnny Manziel sat down with ESPN’s Joe Tessitore at SEC media day Tuesday morning to talk about twitter, the Peyton Manning camp, and life as a rock star. Manziel handled himself well, dodging the alcohol question, not getting flustered, and hitting on all the key talking points he was clearly coached about. He said his phone died and he overslept at Manning camp.

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Woverw138 months
"I guess I feel like Justin Bieber."

Yeah, and you act like him too.
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Babboo138 months
This guy is a loser. Wish him luck against the SEC this season. He's got a bigger target on him than anyone in recent times.
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Dignan138 months
I actually like Johnny Manziel and respect his ability, but I have a feeling he's going to suffer a big time sophomore jinx.
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Legend13138 months
The dude has issue's and needs to get them resolved and grow the fuk up.
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Sheetbend138 months
Manziel would gain a lot more respect from Tiger fans if he sucker punched a drunk at a bar; I bet.
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Itreallydoesmatter138 months
we shall see how this all works out.
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mcpotiger138 months
What a tool
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Tommy Patel138 months
"Manziel would gain a lot more respect from Tiger fans if he sucker punched a drunk at a bar; I bet" ~Sheetbend

touche', if you meant people in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, you are very correct. LSU Vs. aTm will have some colorful posters, i'll raise your bet.
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