Matt Stamey-USA TODAY Sports
In a recent interview with Ali Peek, Steve Spurrier discussed the recent SEC additions of Texas and Oklahoma and talked about further expansion with teams like Florida State and Clemson. Per SDS:

“I think FSU definitely belongs in the SEC,” Spurrier said. “Clemson sort of belongs there also. But I don’t know if the SEC wants to go to 18 teams. I don’t know, maybe the Big Ten would like to have them, who knows?”

Peek also asked Spurrier for his opinion on how Florida State would perform in the SEC, should that move come to fruition at some point in the future.

“Oh, they’d do very well the way they played last year,” Spurrier said, referring to FSU’s 13-0 start to the 2023 campaign. “And I think Clemson would do pretty well. They would do better in the ACC as far as winning conference championships, but they want to play in the big time.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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scrooster6 months
Okay, it's official ... SOS has dementia. He's being WAAAAAAY too diplomatic in his old age. F' the criminoles and F' the sheep humping sister banging taterheads. They both cheated their asses off to realize the success they enjoyed while playing in a piss poor football league.
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Lynxrufus20126 months
Free Shoes University getting a good word from the Ole Ball Coach? Is this the end of the world?
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UFMatt6 months
Yes, but he is correct. Bring the Semiholes to the SEC.
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