Alabama fans took to Tennessee's famous campus landmark "The Rock" with some creativity this week in anticipation of their matchup this weekend in Tuscaloosa. Unfortunately, The Vols have never beaten Nick Saban at Alabama in six tries and have lost their last three attempts by exactly 31 points each time.

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Foolish cock134 months
Trying real hard to keep that yearly auto-win
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Foolish cock134 months
Trying real hard to keep that yearly auto-win
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Itreallydoesmatter134 months
looks photoshopped to me.
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ThaKaptin134 months
Vandalize is a strong word for something that gets done all the time is painted over almost immediately. I would guarantee that there is no sign of that left on the rock right now.

Oh, and frick Tennessee.
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thatdude1985134 months
Trying really hard to double post.
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thatdude1985134 months
Trying really hard to double post.
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Mr. Misanthrope134 months
Did they try to poison the rock first?
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Settingthestandard134 months
Now THIS is a rivalry. More to come....
Oh and
Rocky top you'll never be
home sweet home to me
F you rocky top
Rocky top Tennessee

Gotta love it.
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