As of right now, Tennessee signee Preston Williams has the worst National Signing Day outfit outfit. Check it out...

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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Drizzt119 months
Is he "special"?
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SECdragonmaster119 months
When you say "dope" Preston says......."yah man" with a smile.
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11thACR119 months
Not sure if I should laugh or cry...sad just sad
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mkibod1119 months
By bad, do you mean badass?
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CCTider119 months
That's actually pretty smooth. The helmet is ugly, but that's not his fault.
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DontCare119 months
that's actually kinda dope.
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OleRockyTop119 months
Larry I'm sure whatever the hell you wear is much worse
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TT9119 months
They're poor, what do you expect?
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Tiger inTampa119 months
Preston WINS!!!!
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