Texas A&M fans aren't sitting back and letting the Seattle Seahawks' "12th Man" get all the attention during their Super Bowl appearance this weekend. Apparel company Aggieland Outfitters is selling this A&M shirt that takes a swing at the Seahawks...

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CGSC Lobotomy131 months
Except for the fact that the A&M's 12th Man refers to the student body, not just any fan that happens to be in the stands. For the trolls who follow the 6th grade Randolph Duke logic about Iowa...they never trademarked it...we did.
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BobABooey131 months
But Texas AnM didn't invent the 12th Man either. Their football team needed a 2nd Man this season, much less a 12th.
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LSU 318 LSU131 months
Even tho I hate A&M, you always respect traditions. The Seahawks need to come up with something else.
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hehateme2285131 months
The Seahawks pay TAMU to use 12th Man
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cokebottleag131 months
DoubleDown's logic: "Stupid Nike! You can't trademark 'just do it' cause someone else used that phrase before once!"

Yes, yes they can.

I highly doubt the cadets at A&M somehow got a hold of a yearbook from IU in the 1910s and decided to create an elaborate hoax to steal a preciously guarded tradition from a school that oh by the way almost never mentions it again.
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DoubleDown131 months
Dumb is dumb. So I guess Texas A&M truly needs to be paying the University of Iowa for creating the moniker "The 12th Man", eh? Look it up Aggies, you stole it as well - OH GOD THE HORROR of FACTS!
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