This Alabama fan was throwing things at Ole Miss supporters as they were trying to leave the field after Saturday's game. And this Oxford cop was having none of that. Dude comes out of nowhere, BAM!...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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Honest Tune123 months
Big tree fall hard
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DeafVallyBatnR123 months
a little over the top. But he is a cop I guess its to be expected.
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YouDontKnowBro123 months
Haha Bama kids are effing little bitches.
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PrimeTime Money123 months
So he throws some peanuts or something and the cops response is to throw him down like that? WTF??
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JoeLabruzzo123 months
thats way outta line by the cop .
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Cracker123 months
I think that was appropriate reaction from the police.
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Mayfair2Pville123 months
If only LSU defense was that aggressive...
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Alapaha123 months
What the Bama fan was doing was a display of complete idiocy, but regardless, the cop was way over the line in his actions.
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TOKEN123 months
Screw that guy! Cop is right, back to Bama...
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DoubleDown123 months
Cop is gonna get sued. Way over the top for throwing a cup.
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GoldenDawg123 months
Over reaction for someone lightly tossing a cup at a bunch of dou*hes. But, yeah, he probably shouldn't ought to have done that. Especially at an away game.
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cheo25123 months
Cop should be sued and fired.
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Cleanmatt123 months
The Bama fan should feel lucky he didn't have his dog with him
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TutHillTiger123 months
if only LSU defense was that aggressive...or could tackle like that. (LOL)
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betweenthebara123 months
Hilarious. Especially the arm flailing upon first contact.
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Dr Van Nostrand123 months
You mess with the bull, you get the horns.
When you lose a game, you walk out quietly and let them enjoy their win. What are you mad about anyway urban cowboy?
You didn't play and lose the game. Probably didn't go to school at UA. Crank up your dually and take it on back to the trailer. Trashy fans like you are the reason bammer fans are the most hated in the SEC
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PsychTiger123 months
"The Bama fan should feel lucky he didn't have his dog with him"

His sister/wife must have left earlier.
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SpookeyTiger123 months
That was funny. Don't know if this dude had been throwing things for 10 minutes and the cop finally had enough or if it was the first time. What I do know is it was his last. ROFL.
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Gulf Coast Tiger123 months
We don't see the whole picture here. We only see a short video showing the take down. Not what happened before.
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jdutto3123 months
For all those who think the cop went too far...

1) Don't you think he had thrown a couple things before the video started?
2) There could have been children and elderly below.
3) He is committing battery not only with liquid but also whatever cups/bottles he may have been throwing.
4) The cop was trying to (but was a second late) prevent him from throwing that last cup.

Should he have calmly approached the intoxicated redneck and politely asked him for a moment of his time when he is finished throwing drinks on people's heads?

He doesn't even look like an 85%.

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