James Snook-USA TODAY Sports
Former Oregon State wide receiver Richard Mullaney announced via twitter Tuesday that he will transfer to Alabama for his final year of eligibility.
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Since Mullaney has already graduated from Oregon State, he will be eligible to play right away for Alabama

He recored 83 receptions for 1,460 yards and six touchdowns during his time at Oregon State.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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BradPitt115 months
He's white... have fun riding the bench and participating in scout team scrimmages. Hope to see you in the last minute of the game against Bumble frick Tech.
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Wishnitwas1998115 months
Idc about this at all, but I did click on this just bc I couldn't believe how awful those Oregon State uniforms are in the picture. Those helmets, my god
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VoxDawg115 months
Right after another player is deemed academically ineligible. Interesting.
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elit4ce05115 months
"6 TD's in 3-4 years?

Beast mode!

That's like one TD every 6-8 games!"

How many games did he play in?

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805tiger115 months
I saw him play in high school. I think he is California's all time leader in receptions.
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CrimsonChin115 months
White boy gonna do some work.
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SECdragonmaster115 months
6 TD's in 3-4 years?

Beast mode!

That's like one TD every 6-8 games!
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Othello115 months
He wants to win a championship!
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