Here comes the schwag. Ohio State and Alabama players received these Sugar Bowl-themed Fossil watches, pretty cool...
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The Crimson Tide and the Buckeyes kick off at 8 p.m. E.T. Jan. 1 on ESPN.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Doug Masters121 months
Now Ohio State can be on time for their traditional SEC arse whuppin'
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Buttermilk Pancakes121 months
OSU will sell them for shoes.
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bayou2003121 months
Sure I'll find a few on those on EBAY within the next 2-3 weeks.
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Rebel Land Shark121 months
SWAG Kelly will probably steal one
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ChexMix121 months
Already listed on Ebay
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ssgtiger121 months
No swag is sort for swagger. Schwag is promotional items or bad weed
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lsu2006121 months
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FT121 months
NCAA Violation.
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Doug Masters121 months
Giving Saban a watch with a second hand seems funny to me.
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KosmoCramer121 months
It's swag.
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