Here's a cool first-person video of Texas A&M making their entrance into the newly renovated Kyle field last Saturday against Ball State. If you've ever wanted to know how it feels...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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Dr. Morgus112 months
no time to watch this video as I am too busy counting how many fricks I do not give...
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Coater112 months
awesome video until the yell leader reaches for his sack at 1:47
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Placebeaux112 months
I noticed #13 Chevis was in the video until the last couple of minutes
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slinger1317112 months
Fckn erector set stadium
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Lsu101205112 months
I am just glad we didnt have to see the post game "gig-em".
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Holy shite, A&M has a player named Dolezal?
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KaiserSoze99112 months
Wait. If you are busy counting fricks, that means that there are many of them to give.
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PhilipMarlowe112 months
That was dope as shite doe.
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