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A 15-year-old Auburn fan named Hayden got so caught up in the emotion of Saturday night's upset of Alabama, that he took the visor right off of Gus Malzahn's head. Now after seeing his story in the news, the fan is feeling bad and wants to return the visor to the coach. Hayden wrote a letter to Malzahn c/o The War Eagle Reader...

Dear Coach Malzahn,

I saw this on YouTube and war eagle reader and thought, “Holy crap what have I done!” I am soooooooo sorry about taking your visor; I took it thinking you would just throw it into the audience later anyway. If you guys can send me the address to return it to then I’ll be more then happy to do so….

Anyway, tell coach Gus that he can definitely have his visor back and I’m sorry for taking it, especially in such a rude way. Long live the Tigers and War Eagle!!!
Here's the theft one more time...

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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PrimetimeDaBoss133 months
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PsychTiger133 months
... and after it's autographed he sells it online.
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NYCAuburn133 months
bet he gets to keep it, and gets it autographed
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Hoyas133 months
The kid is a POS
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CreoleAubie133 months
2 to 5
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Jack Burton133 months
If he gets it signed, the story authenticates the item and ties it to the win. Instant value bump. Savvy.
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CrimsonFanSince94133 months
Wow, thanks for the hard hitting stories, Larry.
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TheEnglishman133 months
This kid knows the visor is worth nothing right now. If he gives it back, Coach might give him something actually worth something.
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exlsutiger133 months
Now I can sleep at night.
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waiting4saturday133 months
smells like courage!
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chesty133 months
well that was kind of crappy, but for a 15 year old kid to then turn around and do the right thing isn't a terrible thing
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Jizzy08133 months
That's big of the kid.
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