Jeff Blake-USA TODAY Sports
South Carolina coach Frank Martin has apologized for his tirade directed towards guard Brenton Williams during Saturdays loss to Mississippi. Per ESPN:

Martin, who is known for his harsh stare downs and strong words at times when players make mistakes on the court, said Tuesday he went too far after getting caught up in the moment.

Martin also apologized to fans around South Carolina's bench who heard the exchange.

Martin says there was no place for him ever to speak to Williams like he did. He says he met with and apologized to his senior guard.
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Filed Under: SEC Basketball
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gamecocks22132 months
You should have heard what I called him sitting on my couch.
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AUlove23132 months
Is there a link to him ranting out there?
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Cockopotamus132 months

Completely forgot about that. Was wondering what he said or did to have to apologize
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Henry Jones Jr132 months
Was that the guy he yelled "You're a fricking bum!" on national television?
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