At the 2015 Regions Tradition Celebrity Pro-Am on Wednesday, Auburn basketball coach Bruce Pearl was in attendance, along with coaches Gus Malzahn, Avery Johnson and Nick Saban. On one hole, Pearl took a moment to have a little fun with an Alabama fan who, as he said, was in the “firing line” for his tee shot...

Filed Under: SEC Basketball
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LooseCannon22282116 months
Amazing. Thanks for sharing, Larry.
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Roses of Crimson116 months
Wow, great story! Hard to believe this happened.
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Gcockboi116 months
Really Larry? This is bloody news? Do they pay you for this? How do I apply for your job? Yo Chicklen if you read this I can do a better job mayne, I would give you crazy stories man. Hit me up ;^)
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